
Epiconcept is made up of a team of doctors, epidemiologists, data scientists and digital specialists. For more than 20 years, Epiconcept has contributed to the improvement of public health by writing software, carrying out epidemiological studies, research, evaluation and training to better detect, monitor and prevent disease and to improve treatment.

Package Epistats


The EpiStats package is a set of functions aimed at epidemiologists. They include commands for measures of association and impact for case control studies and cohort studies. They may be particularly useful for outbreak investigations and include univariate and stratified analyses.

The generic function crossTable provides a contingency table with optional parameters percent and statistic

The functions for cohort studies include the CS, CSTable and CSInter commands.

The functions for case control studies include the CC, CCTable and CCInter commands.

All variables used need to be numeric binary variables and coded as 0 and 1 or as factors.

Cohort study functions:

The cohort study functions relate to cohort studies that measure risks, rather than rates in person- time.

The CS function provides a 2 by 2 table and measures the association between the outcome and one exposure. It includes the risk ratio and its 95% confidence intervals, the attributable fraction among the exposed and unexposed, and a chi square test and its p-value.

The CSTable function displays the measures of association between the outcome and a set of exposures in a table (risk ratios, confidence intervals and p-values). This helps the researcher to compare between exposures and provides a nice table for reports.

The CSInter function investigates the effect of a third variable on the association between an exposure and the outcome. It presents two by two tables stratified by the levels of a third value. It provides the Woolf test for homogeneity between stratum-specific risk ratios. It provides the crude risk ratio between an exposure and an outcome and the risk ratio adjusted by the third variable. CSInter helps the researcher understand whether a third variable may have an effect modifying or confounding effect on the association between an exposure and the outcome.

Case control study functions:

The CC function provides a 2 by 2 table and measures the association between the outcome and one exposure. It includes the odds ratio and its 95% confidence intervals, the attributable fraction among the exposed, and a chi square test and its p-value.

The CCTable function displays the measures of association between the outcome and a set of exposures in a table (odds ratios, confidence intervals and p-values). This helps the researcher to compare between exposures and provides a nice table for reports.

The CCInter function investigates the effect of a third variable on the association between an exposure and the outcome. It presents two by two tables stratified by the levels of a third value. It provides the Woolf test for homogeneity between stratum-specific odds ratios. It provides the crude odds ratio between an exposure and an outcome and the odds ratio adjusted by the third variable. CCInter helps the researcher understand whether a third variable may have an effect modifying or confounding effect on the association between an exposure and the outcome.

The “Tiramisu” dataset

The dataset used in this vignette is from an outbreak investigation carried out in Germany in 1998 by Anja Hauri, Robert Koch Institute. It is used in case studies by organisations including EPIET, ECDC and EpiConcept.

The CSTable, CSInter, CCTable and CCInter functions are based on commands written in Stata by Gilles Desve, who we gratefully acknowledge.

Working with Epistats and “Tiramisu” dataset

Loading and recoding the dataset


options(knitr.kable.NA = '')

DF <- Tiramisu

DF <- DF %>%
  # Recoding all variables as binary '0' or '1'
  mutate(salmon = ifelse(salmon == 9, NA, salmon)) %>% 
  mutate(horseradish = ifelse(horseradish == 9, NA, horseradish)) %>% 
  mutate(pork = ifelse(pork == 9, NA, pork)) %>% 
  mutate(sex01 = case_when(sex == "females" ~ 1, sex == "males" ~ 0)) %>% 
  mutate(agegroup = case_when(age < 30 ~ 0, age >= 30 ~ 1)) %>%
  mutate(tportion = case_when(tportion == 0 ~ 0, tportion == 1 ~ 1, tportion >= 2 ~ 2)) %>%
  mutate(tportion = as.factor(tportion)) %>%

Colnames <- DF %>% 
  select(-ill, -age, -sex, -dateonset, -uniquekey, -tportion, -mportion) %>% 


Creates a contingency table of variable of interest and exposure. Percentage are optionals by row or by column. It can provides an optional statistic (fisher or chisquare).


crosTable(data, var1, var2, percent=“none”, statistic=“none”)


Recoding some data to have ordered factors

DF2 <- DF
DF2$ill <- factor(DF2$ill, levels=c(1,0), ordered = TRUE)
DF2$beer <- factor(DF2$beer, levels=c(1,0), ordered = TRUE)
DF2$tira <- factor(DF2$tira, levels=c(1,0), ordered = TRUE)
DF2$sex <- factor(DF2$sex, levels = c("males", "females"), ordered = TRUE)

Example 1: crossTable ill - tira

ret <- crossTable(DF2, var1="ill", var2="tira")
##   tira / ill   1   0 Total
## 1          1  94  27   121
## 2          0   7 158   165
## 3      Total 101 185   286
kable(ret, align="r")
tira / ill 1 0 Total
1 94 27 121
0 7 158 165
Total 101 185 286

Example 2: crossTable ill - sex with column percentage and chi2 stat

ret <- crossTable(DF2, "ill", "sex", "col", "chi2")
kable(ret, align="r", caption = "with columns %")
with columns %
sex / ill 1 0 Total
males 50 102 152
% 48.54 54.26 52.23
females 53 86 139
% 51.46 45.74 47.77
Total 103 188 291
% 100.00 100.00 100.00
- - - -
Pearson CHI2 0.8701 Pr 0.351

Example 3: CrossTable ill - sex with row percentage and Fisher stat

NB: All parameters are unquoted

ret <- crossTable(DF2, ill, sex, row, fisher)
##        sex / ill     1     %   0     % Total   %
## 1          males    50 32.89 102 67.11   152 100
## 2        females    53 38.13  86 61.87   139 100
## 3          Total   103 35.40 188 64.60   291 100
## 4              -     -     -   -     -     -   -
## 5 Fisher's exact 0.391     -   -     -     -   -
kable(ret, align="r")
sex / ill 1 % 0 % Total %
males 50 32.89 102 67.11 152 100
females 53 38.13 86 61.87 139 100
Total 103 35.40 188 64.60 291 100
- - - - - - -
Fisher’s exact 0.391 - - - - -

CrossTable beer - sex with column and row percentages and Chi2 stat

NB: All parameters are unquoted

ret <- crossTable(DF2, beer, sex, both, chi2)
##     sex / beer       1     %      0     %  Total      %
## 1        males      84 59.15     58 40.85    142 100.00
## 2            %   79.25     -  35.15     -      -      -
## 3      females      22 17.05    107 82.95    129 100.00
## 4            %   20.75     -  64.85     -      -      -
## 5        Total     106 39.11    165 60.89    271 100.00
## 6            %  100.00     - 100.00     - 100.00      -
## 7            -       -     -      -     -      -      -
## 8 Pearson CHI2 50.3078    Pr      0     -      -      -
kable(ret, align="r", caption = "% rows and columns")
% rows and columns
sex / beer 1 % 0 % Total %
males 84 59.15 58 40.85 142 100.00
% 79.25 - 35.15 - - -
females 22 17.05 107 82.95 129 100.00
% 20.75 - 64.85 - - -
Total 106 39.11 165 60.89 271 100.00
% 100.00 - 100.00 - 100.00 -
- - - - - - -
Pearson CHI2 50.3078 Pr 0 - - -


CS analyses cohort studies with equal follow-up time per subject. The risk (the proportion of individuals who become cases) is calculated overall and among the exposed and unexposed. Note that all variables need to be numeric and binary and coded as “0” and “1”.

Point estimates and confidence intervals for the risk ratio and risk difference are calculated, along with attributable or preventive fractions for the exposed and the total population. Additionally you can select if you want to display the Fisher’s exact test, by specifying exact = TRUE. If you specify full = TRUE you can easily access useful statistics from the output tables.


CS(x, cases, exposure, exact, full=FALSE)

Example 1: CS ill - mousse (unformatted)

CS(DF, "ill", "mousse", exact = FALSE)
## $df1
##           Cases Non Cases Total Risk
## Exposed      81        42   123 0.66
## Unexposed    22       144   166 0.13
## Total       103       186   289 0.36
## $df2
##                 Point estimate 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
## Risk difference           0.53     0.43     0.62
## Risk ratio                4.97     3.30     7.48
## Attr. frac. ex.           0.80     0.70     0.87
## Attr. frac. pop           0.63       NA       NA
## chi2(1)                  85.22       NA       NA
## Pr>chi2                  0.000       NA       NA

Example 2: CS ill - beer (formatted)

The following results tables are outputs in “markdown” using the kable function.

result <- CS(DF, "ill", "beer", exact = TRUE, full = TRUE)
kable(result$df1, align = "r")
Cases Non Cases Total Risk
Exposed 30 76 106 0.28
Unexposed 69 96 165 0.42
Total 99 172 271 0.37
kable(result$df2, align = result$df2.align )
Point estimate 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
Risk difference -0.14 -0.25 -0.02
Risk ratio 0.68 0.48 0.96
Prev. frac. ex. 0.32 0.04 0.52
Prev. frac. pop 0.13 NA NA
chi2(1) 5.09 NA NA
Pr>chi2 0.024 NA NA
Fisher p.value 0.028 NA NA

By storing the results in the object “result”, you are able to use the result tables in Markdown as shown above. By specifying “full = TRUE” you can also easily use individual elements of the results. For example if you would like to view just the risk ratio, you can view it by typing:

## [1] 0.6767842

CSTable - Summary table for cohort studies

CSTable is used for univariate analysis of cohort studies with several exposures. The results are summarised in one table with one row per exposure making comparisons between exposures easier and providing a useful table for integrating into reports. Note that all variables need to be numeric and binary and coded as “0” and “1”.

The results of this function contain: The name of exposure variables, the total number of exposed, the number of exposed cases, the attack rate among the exposed, the total number of unexposed, the number of unexposed cases, the attack rate among the unexposed, risk ratios, 95% confidence intervals, 95% p-values.

You can optionally choose to display the Fisher’s exact p-value instead of the Chi squared p-value, with the option exact = TRUE.

You can specify the sort order, with the option sort=“rr” to order by risk ratios. The default sort order is by p-values.

The option “full = TRUE” provides you with useful formatting information, which can be handy if you’re using “markdown”.


CSTable(x, cases, exposure=c(), exact=FALSE, sort = “pvalue”, full=FALSE)

Example 1: CSTable results ordered by p-value (unformatted)

        exposure = c("sex01", "agegroup", "tira", "beer", "mousse", "wmousse", "dmousse",
                     "redjelly", "fruitsalad", "tomato", "mince", "salmon", "horseradish",
                     "chickenwin", "roastbeef", "pork"))
## $df
##             Tot.Exp Cases.Exp AR.Exp% Tot.Unexp Cases.Unexp AR.Unexp%    RR
## tira            121        94   77.69       165           7      4.24 18.31
## mousse          123        81   65.85       166          22     13.25  4.97
## wmousse          72        49   68.06       205          49     23.90  2.85
## dmousse         113        76   67.26       174          26     14.94  4.50
## redjelly         79        45   56.96       212          58     27.36  2.08
## fruitsalad       71        46   64.79       220          57     25.91  2.50
## beer            106        30   28.30       165          69     41.82  0.68
## tomato           83        35   42.17       208          68     32.69  1.29
## pork            120        48   40.00       169          54     31.95  1.25
## horseradish      72        30   41.67       217          72     33.18  1.26
## sex01           139        53   38.13       152          50     32.89  1.16
## roastbeef        29         8   27.59       262          95     36.26  0.76
## chickenwin       84        33   39.29       207          70     33.82  1.16
## mince            87        32   36.78       204          71     34.80  1.06
## agegroup         68        25   36.76       215          75     34.88  1.05
## salmon          104        37   35.58       183          63     34.43  1.03
##             CI.ll CI.ul p(Chi2)
## tira         8.81 38.04   0.000
## mousse       3.30  7.48   0.000
## wmousse      2.13  3.81   0.000
## dmousse      3.09  6.56   0.000
## redjelly     1.56  2.79   0.000
## fruitsalad   1.89  3.31   0.000
## beer         0.48  0.96   0.024
## tomato       0.94  1.77   0.127
## pork         0.92  1.71   0.158
## horseradish  0.90  1.75   0.192
## sex01        0.85  1.58   0.351
## roastbeef    0.41  1.40   0.354
## chickenwin   0.84  1.61   0.377
## mince        0.76  1.48   0.747
## agegroup     0.73  1.51   0.777
## salmon       0.75  1.43   0.844

Example 2: CSTable results ordered by risk ratio (formatted)

The following results tables are outputs in “markdown” using the kable function.

res = CSTable(DF, "ill", sort = "rr", exposure = Colnames, full = TRUE)

kable(res$df, digits=res$digits, align=res$align)
Tot.Exp Cases.Exp AR.Exp% Tot.Unexp Cases.Unexp AR.Unexp% RR CI.ll CI.ul p(Chi2)
tira 121 94 77.69 165 7 4.24 18.31 8.81 38.04 0.000
mousse 123 81 65.85 166 22 13.25 4.97 3.30 7.48 0.000
dmousse 113 76 67.26 174 26 14.94 4.50 3.09 6.56 0.000
wmousse 72 49 68.06 205 49 23.90 2.85 2.13 3.81 0.000
fruitsalad 71 46 64.79 220 57 25.91 2.50 1.89 3.31 0.000
redjelly 79 45 56.96 212 58 27.36 2.08 1.56 2.79 0.000
tomato 83 35 42.17 208 68 32.69 1.29 0.94 1.77 0.127
horseradish 72 30 41.67 217 72 33.18 1.26 0.90 1.75 0.192
pork 120 48 40.00 169 54 31.95 1.25 0.92 1.71 0.158
chickenwin 84 33 39.29 207 70 33.82 1.16 0.84 1.61 0.377
sex01 139 53 38.13 152 50 32.89 1.16 0.85 1.58 0.351
mince 87 32 36.78 204 71 34.80 1.06 0.76 1.48 0.747
agegroup 68 25 36.76 215 75 34.88 1.05 0.73 1.51 0.777
salmon 104 37 35.58 183 63 34.43 1.03 0.75 1.43 0.844
roastbeef 29 8 27.59 262 95 36.26 0.76 0.41 1.40 0.354
beer 106 30 28.30 165 69 41.82 0.68 0.48 0.96 0.024

Example 3: CSTable results ordered by p-value from the Fisher’s exact test (formatted)

The following results tables are outputs in “markdown” using the kable function.

res = CSTable(DF, "ill", exact = TRUE, exposure = Colnames, full = TRUE)
kable(res$df, digits=res$digits, align=res$align)
Tot.Exp Cases.Exp AR.Exp% Tot.Unexp Cases.Unexp AR.Unexp% RR CI.ll CI.ul p(Fisher)
tira 121 94 77.69 165 7 4.24 18.31 8.81 38.04 0.000
wmousse 72 49 68.06 205 49 23.90 2.85 2.13 3.81 0.000
dmousse 113 76 67.26 174 26 14.94 4.50 3.09 6.56 0.000
mousse 123 81 65.85 166 22 13.25 4.97 3.30 7.48 0.000
redjelly 79 45 56.96 212 58 27.36 2.08 1.56 2.79 0.000
fruitsalad 71 46 64.79 220 57 25.91 2.50 1.89 3.31 0.000
beer 106 30 28.30 165 69 41.82 0.68 0.48 0.96 0.028
tomato 83 35 42.17 208 68 32.69 1.29 0.94 1.77 0.137
pork 120 48 40.00 169 54 31.95 1.25 0.92 1.71 0.171
horseradish 72 30 41.67 217 72 33.18 1.26 0.90 1.75 0.203
sex01 139 53 38.13 152 50 32.89 1.16 0.85 1.58 0.391
roastbeef 29 8 27.59 262 95 36.26 0.76 0.41 1.40 0.417
chickenwin 84 33 39.29 207 70 33.82 1.16 0.84 1.61 0.418
agegroup 68 25 36.76 215 75 34.88 1.05 0.73 1.51 0.773
mince 87 32 36.78 204 71 34.80 1.06 0.76 1.48 0.789
salmon 104 37 35.58 183 63 34.43 1.03 0.75 1.43 0.898

By storing the results in the object “res”, you are able to use the result table in Markdown as shown above. You can also use individual elements of the results. For example if you would like to view just the risk ratio, you can view it by typing (for example):

## [1] "2.85"

CSInter - Stratified analysis for cohort studies

CSInter is useful to determine the effects of a third variable on the association between an exposure and an outcome. CSInter produces 2 by 2 tables with stratum specific risk ratios, attributable risk among exposed and population attributable risk. Note that the outcome and exposure variable need to be numeric and binary and coded as “0” and 1”. The third variable needs to be numeric, but may have more categories, such as “0”, “1” and “2”.

CSInter displays a summary with the crude RR, the Mantel Haenszel adjusted RR and the result of a “Woolf” test for homogeneity of stratum-specific RR.

The option “full = TRUE” provides you with useful formatting information, which can be handy if you’re using “markdown”.


CSInter(x, cases, exposure, by, full=FALSE)

Example 1 : CSInter ill - wmousse by tira (unformatted)

CSInter(DF, cases="ill", exposure = "wmousse", by = "tira")
## $df1
##   CSInter ill - wmousse by(tira) Total Cases Risk %          P.est. Stats
## 1                       tira = 1   112  <NA>     NA Risk difference  0.06
## 2                        Exposed    52    43  82.69      Risk Ratio  1.08
## 3                      Unexposed    60    46  76.67 Attrib.risk.exp  0.07
## 4                                   NA  <NA>     NA Attrib.risk.pop  0.04
## 5                       tira = 0   161  <NA>     NA Risk difference  0.21
## 6                        Exposed    17     4  23.53      Risk Ratio 11.29
## 7                      Unexposed   144     3   2.08 Attrib.risk.exp  0.91
## 8                                   NA  <NA>     NA Attrib.risk.pop  0.52
## 9            Missing / Missing %    18  6.2%     NA            <NA>    NA
##   95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
## 1    -0.09     0.21
## 2     0.89     1.30
## 3    -0.12     0.23
## 4       NA       NA
## 5     0.01     0.42
## 6     2.76    46.26
## 7     0.64     0.98
## 8       NA       NA
## 9       NA       NA
## $df2
##                    Point Estimate  Chi2 p.value  Stats 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
## 1       Woolf test of homogeneity 10.47   0.001     NA       NA       NA
## 2            Crude RR for wmousse    NA      NA   2.84     2.12     3.80
## 3 MH RR wmousse adjusted for tira    NA      NA   1.23     1.02     1.48
## 4  Adjusted/crude relative change    NA      NA -56.70       NA       NA

Example 2 : CSInter ill - beer by tira (formatted)

The following results tables are outputs in “markdown” using the kable function.

res <- CSInter(DF, "ill", "beer", "tira", full = TRUE)
CSInter ill - beer by(tira) Total Cases Risk % P.est. Stats 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
tira = 1 116 NA Risk difference -0.18 -0.35 -0.01
Exposed 41 27 65.85 Risk ratio 0.78 0.62 1.00
Unexposed 75 63 84.00 Prev. frac. ex. 0.22 0.00 0.38
NA Prev. frac. pop 0.08 NA NA
tira = 0 150 NA Risk difference 0.00 -0.07 0.07
Exposed 63 3 4.76 Risk Ratio 1.04 0.24 4.47
Unexposed 87 4 4.60 Attrib.risk.exp 0.03 -3.16 0.78
NA Attrib.risk.pop 0.01 NA NA
Missing / Missing % 25 8.6% NA NA NA NA
Point Estimate Chi2 p.value Stats 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
Woolf test of homogeneity 0.14 0.713 NA NA NA
Crude RR for beer NA 0.70 0.49 0.99
MH RR beer adjusted for tira NA 0.80 0.62 1.03
Adjusted/crude relative change NA 14.93 NA NA

Example 3: CSInter ill - beer by tportion (formatted)

The following results tables are outputs in “markdown” using the kable function.

res <- CSInter(DF, "ill", "beer", "tportion", full = TRUE)
kable(res$df1, align="r")
CSInter ill - beer by(tportion) Total Cases Risk % P.est. Stats 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
tportion = 2 53 NA Risk difference 0.01 -0.16 0.19
Exposed 19 17 89.47 Risk Ratio 1.01 0.83 1.23
Unexposed 34 30 88.24 Attrib.risk.exp 0.01 -0.20 0.19
NA Attrib.risk.pop 0.01 NA NA
tportion = 1 63 NA Risk difference -0.35 -0.59 -0.11
Exposed 22 10 45.45 Risk ratio 0.56 0.35 0.91
Unexposed 41 33 80.49 Prev. frac. ex. 0.44 0.09 0.65
NA Prev. frac. pop 0.15 NA NA
tportion = 0 150 NA Risk difference 0.00 -0.07 0.07
Exposed 63 3 4.76 Risk Ratio 1.04 0.24 4.47
Unexposed 87 4 4.60 Attrib.risk.exp 0.03 -3.16 0.78
NA Attrib.risk.pop 0.01 NA NA
Missing / Missing % 25 8.6% NA NA NA NA
kable(res$df2, align="r")
Point Estimate Chi2 p.value Stats 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
Woolf test of homogeneity 4.87 0.087 NA NA NA
Crude RR for beer NA 0.70 0.49 0.99
MH RR beer adjusted for tportion NA 0.80 0.62 1.02
Adjusted/crude relative change NA 14.62 NA NA

By storing the results in the object “res”, you are able to use the result table in Markdown as shown above. You can also use individual elements of the results. For example if you would like to view just the Mantel-Haenszel risk ratio for beer adjusted for tportion, you can view it by typing:

## [1] "0.80"


CC is used for case control studies to determine the association between an exposure and an outcome. Variables need to be binary and coded as “0” and “1”. Point estimates and confidence intervals for the odds ratio are calculated along with attributable or preventive fractions for the exposed and total population. Additionally you can select if you want to display the Fisher’s exact test, by specifying exact = TRUE. If you specify full = TRUE you can easily access useful statistics from the output tables.


CC(x, cases, exposure, exact, full=FALSE)

Example 1: CC ill - mousse (unformatted)

cc(DF, "ill", "mousse", exact = TRUE)
## $df1
##                    Cases Controls Total
## Exposed               81       42   123
## Unexposed             22      144   166
## Total                103      186   289
## Proportion exposed  0.79     0.23  0.43
## $df2
##                 Point estimate 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
## Odds ratio               12.62     6.80    23.70
## Attr. frac. ex.           0.92     0.85     0.96
## Attr. frac. pop           0.72       NA       NA
## chi2(1)                  85.22       NA       NA
## Pr>chi2                  0.000       NA       NA
## Fisher p-value           0.000       NA       NA

Example 2: CC ill - beer (formatted)

The following results tables are outputs in “markdown” using the kable function.

result <- CC(DF, "ill", "beer", exact = TRUE, full = TRUE)
kable(result$df1, align="r")
Cases Controls Total
Exposed 30 76 106
Unexposed 69 96 165
Total 99 172 271
Proportion exposed 0.30 0.44 0.39
kable(result$df2, align=result$df2.align)
Point estimate 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
Odds ratio 0.55 0.31 0.95
Prev. frac. ex. 0.45 0.05 0.69
Prev. frac. pop 0.20 NA NA
chi2(1) 5.09 NA NA
Pr>chi2 0.024 NA NA
Fisher p-value 0.028 NA NA

By storing the results in the object “result”, you are able to use the result tables in Markdown as shown above. By specifying “full = TRUE” you can also easily use individual elements of the results.For example if you would like to view just the odds ratio, you can view it by typing:

## [1] 0.5491991 0.3127957 0.9547369

CCTable - Summary table for case control studies

CCTable is used for univariate analysis of case control studies with several exposures. The results are summarised in one table with one row per exposure making comparisons between exposures easier and providing a useful table for integrating into reports. Note that all variables need to be numeric and binary and coded as “0” and “1”.

The results of this function contain: The name of exposure variables, the total number of cases, the number of exposed cases, the percentage of exposed among cases, the number of controls, the number of exposed controls, the percentage of exposed among controls, odds ratios, 95%CI intervals, p-values.

You can optionally choose to display the Fisher’s exact p-value instead of the Chi squared p-value, with the option exact = TRUE.

You can specify the sort order, with the option sort=“or” to order by odds ratios. The default sort order is by p-values.

The option “full = TRUE” provides you with useful formatting information, which can be handy if you’re using “markdown”.


CCTable(x, cases, exposure=c(), exact=FALSE, sort = “pvalue”, full=FALSE)

Example 1: CCTable results ordered by p-value (unformatted)

CCTable(DF, "ill",
        exposure = c("sex01", "agegroup", "tira", "beer", "mousse", "wmousse", "dmousse",
                     "redjelly", "fruitsalad", "tomato", "mince", "salmon", "horseradish",
                     "chickenwin", "roastbeef", "pork"))
## $df
##             Tot.Cases Exp.Cases %Cases Tot.Ctrls Exp.Ctrls %Ctrls    OR CI.ll
## tira              101        94  93.07       185        27  14.59 78.58 31.45
## mousse            103        81  78.64       186        42  22.58 12.62  6.80
## wmousse            98        49  50.00       179        23  12.85  6.78  3.62
## dmousse           102        76  74.51       185        37  20.00 11.69  6.36
## redjelly          103        45  43.69       188        34  18.09  3.51  1.98
## fruitsalad        103        46  44.66       188        25  13.30  5.26  2.86
## beer               99        30  30.30       172        76  44.19  0.55  0.31
## tomato            103        35  33.98       188        48  25.53  1.50  0.86
## pork              102        48  47.06       187        72  38.50  1.42  0.85
## horseradish       102        30  29.41       187        42  22.46  1.44  0.80
## sex01             103        53  51.46       188        86  45.74  1.26  0.75
## roastbeef         103         8   7.77       188        21  11.17  0.67  0.25
## chickenwin        103        33  32.04       188        51  27.13  1.27  0.72
## mince             103        32  31.07       188        55  29.26  1.09  0.62
## agegroup          100        25  25.00       183        43  23.50  1.09  0.59
## salmon            100        37  37.00       187        67  35.83  1.05  0.61
##              CI.ul p(Chi2)
## tira        217.15   0.000
## mousse       23.70   0.000
## wmousse      12.83   0.000
## dmousse      21.64   0.000
## redjelly      6.24   0.000
## fruitsalad    9.75   0.000
## beer          0.95   0.024
## tomato        2.61   0.127
## pork          2.38   0.158
## horseradish   2.57   0.192
## sex01         2.09   0.351
## roastbeef     1.65   0.354
## chickenwin    2.20   0.377
## mince         1.89   0.747
## agegroup      1.98   0.777
## salmon        1.79   0.844

Example 2: CCTable results ordered by odds ratio (formatted)

The following results tables are outputs in “markdown” using the kable function.

res = CCTable(DF, "ill", sort = "or", exposure = Colnames)
Tot.Cases Exp.Cases %Cases Tot.Ctrls Exp.Ctrls %Ctrls OR CI.ll CI.ul p(Chi2)
tira 101 94 93.07 185 27 14.59 78.58 31.45 217.15 0.000
mousse 103 81 78.64 186 42 22.58 12.62 6.80 23.70 0.000
dmousse 102 76 74.51 185 37 20.00 11.69 6.36 21.64 0.000
wmousse 98 49 50.00 179 23 12.85 6.78 3.62 12.83 0.000
fruitsalad 103 46 44.66 188 25 13.30 5.26 2.86 9.75 0.000
redjelly 103 45 43.69 188 34 18.09 3.51 1.98 6.24 0.000
tomato 103 35 33.98 188 48 25.53 1.50 0.86 2.61 0.127
horseradish 102 30 29.41 187 42 22.46 1.44 0.80 2.57 0.192
pork 102 48 47.06 187 72 38.50 1.42 0.85 2.38 0.158
chickenwin 103 33 32.04 188 51 27.13 1.27 0.72 2.20 0.377
sex01 103 53 51.46 188 86 45.74 1.26 0.75 2.09 0.351
mince 103 32 31.07 188 55 29.26 1.09 0.62 1.89 0.747
agegroup 100 25 25.00 183 43 23.50 1.09 0.59 1.98 0.777
salmon 100 37 37.00 187 67 35.83 1.05 0.61 1.79 0.844
roastbeef 103 8 7.77 188 21 11.17 0.67 0.25 1.65 0.354
beer 99 30 30.30 172 76 44.19 0.55 0.31 0.95 0.024

Example 3: CCTable results ordered by p-value from the Fisher’s exact test (formatted)

The following results tables are outputs in “markdown” using the kable function.

res = CCTable(DF, "ill", exposure = Colnames, exact=TRUE)
Tot.Cases Exp.Cases %Cases Tot.Ctrls Exp.Ctrls %Ctrls OR CI.ll CI.ul p(Fisher)
tira 101 94 93.07 185 27 14.59 78.58 31.45 217.15 0.000
wmousse 98 49 50.00 179 23 12.85 6.78 3.62 12.83 0.000
dmousse 102 76 74.51 185 37 20.00 11.69 6.36 21.64 0.000
mousse 103 81 78.64 186 42 22.58 12.62 6.80 23.70 0.000
redjelly 103 45 43.69 188 34 18.09 3.51 1.98 6.24 0.000
fruitsalad 103 46 44.66 188 25 13.30 5.26 2.86 9.75 0.000
beer 99 30 30.30 172 76 44.19 0.55 0.31 0.95 0.028
tomato 103 35 33.98 188 48 25.53 1.50 0.86 2.61 0.137
pork 102 48 47.06 187 72 38.50 1.42 0.85 2.38 0.171
horseradish 102 30 29.41 187 42 22.46 1.44 0.80 2.57 0.203
sex01 103 53 51.46 188 86 45.74 1.26 0.75 2.09 0.391
roastbeef 103 8 7.77 188 21 11.17 0.67 0.25 1.65 0.417
chickenwin 103 33 32.04 188 51 27.13 1.27 0.72 2.20 0.418
agegroup 100 25 25.00 183 43 23.50 1.09 0.59 1.98 0.773
mince 103 32 31.07 188 55 29.26 1.09 0.62 1.89 0.789
salmon 100 37 37.00 187 67 35.83 1.05 0.61 1.79 0.898

By storing the results in the object “res”, you are able to use the result table in Markdown as shown above. You can also use individual elements of the results. For example if you would like to view just the odds ratio, you can view it by typing (for example):

## [1] "78.58"

CCInter - Stratified analysis for case control studies

CCInter is useful to determine the effects of a third variable on the association between an exposure and an outcome. CCInter produces 2 by 2 tables with stratum specific odds ratios, attributable risk among exposed and population attributable risk.

Note that the outcome and exposure variable need to be numeric and binary and coded as “0” and 1”. The third variable needs to be numeric, but may have more categories, such as “0”, “1” and “2”.

CCInter displays a summary with the crude OR, the Mantel Haenszel adjusted OR and the result of a Woolf test for homogeneity of stratum-specific OR.

The option “full = TRUE” provides you with useful formatting information, which can be handy if you’re using “markdown”.


CCInter (x, cases, exposure, by, full=FALSE)

Example 1: CCInter ill - wmousse by tira (unformatted)

CCInter(DF, cases="ill", exposure = "wmousse", by = "tira")
## $df1
##    CCInter ill - wmousse by(tira) Cases Controls          P.est. Stats 95%CI.ll
## 1                        tira = 1  <NA>     <NA>      Odds ratio  1.45     0.52
## 2                         Exposed    43        9 Attrib.risk.exp  0.31    -0.92
## 3                       Unexposed    46       14 Attrib.risk.pop  0.15     <NA>
## 4                           Total    89       23                  <NA>     <NA>
## 5                       Exposed % 48.3%    39.1%                  <NA>     <NA>
## 6                  ______________  <NA>     <NA>                  <NA>     <NA>
## 7                        tira = 0  <NA>     <NA>      Odds ratio 14.46     2.12
## 8                         Exposed     4       13 Attrib.risk.exp  0.93     0.53
## 9                       Unexposed     3      141 Attrib.risk.pop  0.53     <NA>
## 10                          Total     7      154                  <NA>     <NA>
## 11                      Exposed % 57.1%     8.4%                  <NA>     <NA>
## 12                 ______________  <NA>     <NA>                  <NA>     <NA>
## 13                  Number of obs   273     <NA>            <NA>  <NA>     <NA>
## 14                        Missing    18     <NA>            <NA>  <NA>     <NA>
##    95%CI.ul
## 1      4.22
## 2      0.76
## 3      <NA>
## 4      <NA>
## 5      <NA>
## 6      <NA>
## 7    106.00
## 8      0.99
## 9      <NA>
## 10     <NA>
## 11     <NA>
## 12     <NA>
## 13     <NA>
## 14     <NA>
## $df2
##                         P.estimate  Stats 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
## 1 MH test of Homogeneity (p-value)   0.01                  
## 2             Crude OR for wmousse   6.76     3.57    12.93
## 3  MH OR wmousse adjusted for tira   2.25     1.01     5.05
## 4   Adjusted/crude relative change -66.65        _        _

Example 2: CCInter ill - beer by tira (formatted)

The following results tables are outputs in “markdown” using the kable function.

res <- CCInter(DF, cases="ill", exposure = "beer", by = "tira", full = TRUE)
kable(res$df1, align=res$df1.align)
CCInter ill - beer by(tira) Cases Controls P.est. Stats 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
tira = 1 Odds ratio 0.37 0.14 0.99
Exposed 27 14 Prev. frac. ex. 0.63 0.01 0.86
Unexposed 63 12 Prev. frac. pop 0.34
Total 90 26
Exposed % 30.0% 53.8%
tira = 0 Odds ratio 1.04 0.15 6.38
Exposed 3 60 Attrib.risk.exp 0.04 -5.82 0.84
Unexposed 4 83 Attrib.risk.pop 0.02
Total 7 143
Exposed % 42.9% 42.0%
Number of obs 266
Missing 25
P.estimate Stats 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
MH test of Homogeneity (p-value) 0.22
Crude OR for beer 0.57 0.33 1.00
MH OR beer adjusted for tira 0.48 0.22 1.05
Adjusted/crude relative change -15.83 _ _

Example 3: CCInter ill - beer by tportion (formatted)

The following results tables are outputs in “markdown” using the kable function.

res <- CCInter(DF, cases="ill", exposure = "beer", by = "tportion", full = TRUE)
kable(res$df1, align=res$df1.align)
CCInter ill - beer by(tportion) Cases Controls P.est. Stats 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
tportion = 2 Odds ratio 1.13 0.14 13.73
Exposed 17 2 Attrib.risk.exp 0.12 -5.94 0.93
Unexposed 30 4 Attrib.risk.pop 0.04
Total 47 6
Exposed % 36.2% 33.3%
tportion = 1 Odds ratio 0.20 0.06 0.73
Exposed 10 12 Prev. frac. ex. 0.80 0.27 0.94
Unexposed 33 8 Prev. frac. pop 0.48
Total 43 20
Exposed % 23.3% 60.0%
tportion = 0 Odds ratio 1.04 0.15 6.38
Exposed 3 60 Attrib.risk.exp 0.04 -5.82 0.84
Unexposed 4 83 Attrib.risk.pop 0.02
Total 7 143
Exposed % 42.9% 42.0%
Number of obs 266
Missing 25
kable(res$df2, align=res$df2.align)
P.estimate Stats 95%CI.ll 95%CI.ul
MH test of Homogeneity (p-value) 0.13
Crude OR for beer 0.57 0.33 1.00
MH OR beer adjusted for tportion 0.47 0.21 1.02
Adjusted/crude relative change -18.73 _ _

By storing the results in the object “res”, you are able to use the result table in Markdown as shown above. You can also use individual elements of the results. For example if you would like to view just the Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio for beer adjusted for tportion, you can view it by typing:

## [1] "0.47"