Package 'powerSurvEpi'

Title: Power and Sample Size Calculation for Survival Analysis of Epidemiological Studies
Description: Functions to calculate power and sample size for testing main effect or interaction effect in the survival analysis of epidemiological studies (non-randomized studies), taking into account the correlation between the covariate of the interest and other covariates. Some calculations also take into account the competing risks and stratified analysis. This package also includes a set of functions to calculate power and sample size for testing main effect in the survival analysis of randomized clinical trials and conditional logistic regression for nested case-control study.
Authors: Weiliang Qiu, Jorge Chavarro, Ross Lazarus, Bernard Rosner, Jing Ma.
Maintainer: Weiliang Qiu <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.1.3
Built: 2024-10-10 04:28:59 UTC

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Calculate Number of Deaths Required for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression with Two Covariates for Epidemiological Studies


Calculate number of deaths required for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for epidemiological Studies. The covariate of interest should be a binary variable. The other covariate can be either binary or non-binary. The formula takes into account competing risks and the correlation between the two covariates. Some parameters will be estimated based on a pilot data set.


	alpha = 0.05)



numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot data set. This vector records the values of the covariate of interest for the nPilot subjects in the pilot study. X1 should be binary and take only two possible values: zero and one.


numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot study. This vector records the values of the second covariate for the nPilot subjects in the pilot study. X2 can be binary or non-binary.


numeric. the postulated power.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the calculation of the number of required deaths derived by Latouche et al. (2004) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2),

where the covariate X1X_1 is of our interest. The covariate X1X_1 should be a binary variable taking two possible values: zero and one, while the covariate X2X_2 can be binary or continuous.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard of X1=1X_1=1 is equal to the hazard of X1=0X_1=0 or not. Equivalently, we want to check if the hazard ratio of X1=1X_1=1 to X1=0X_1=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the total number of deaths required to achieve a power of 1β1-\beta is

D=(z1α/2+z1β)2[log(θ)]2p(1p)(1ρ2),D=\frac{\left(z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta}\right)^2}{ [\log(\theta)]^2 p (1-p) (1-\rho^2), }

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution,

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times \sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1).

pp and rhorho will be estimated from a pilot data set.



the number of deaths required to achieve the desired power with given type I error rate.


proportion of subjects taking X1=1X_1=1.


square of the correlation between X1X_1 and X2X_2.


(1) The formula can be used to calculate power for a randomized trial study by setting rho2=0.

(2) When rho2=0, the formula derived by Latouche et al. (2004) looks the same as that derived by Schoenfeld (1983). Latouche et al. (2004) pointed out that in this situation, the interpretations are different hence the two formulae are actually different. In Latouched et al. (2004), the hazard ratio θ\theta measures the difference of effect of a covariate at two different levels on the subdistribution hazard for a particular failure, while in Schoenfeld (1983), the hazard ratio θ\theta measures the difference of effect on the cause-specific hazard.


Schoenfeld DA. (1983). Sample-size formula for the proportional-hazards regression model. Biometrics. 39:499-503.

Latouche A., Porcher R. and Chevret S. (2004). Sample size formula for proportional hazards modelling of competing risks. Statistics in Medicine. 23:3263-3274.

See Also



# generate a toy pilot data set
  X1 <- c(rep(1, 39), rep(0, 61))
  X2 <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)
  res <- numDEpi(X1 = X1, 
		 X2 = X2, 
		 power = 0.8, 
		 theta = 2, 
		 alpha = 0.05)

  # proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.
  psi <- 0.505

  # total number of subjects required to achieve the desired power
  ceiling(res$D / psi)

Calculate Number of Deaths Required for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression with Two Covariates for Epidemiological Studies


Calculate number of deaths required for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for epidemiological Studies. The covariate of interest should be a binary variable. The other covariate can be either binary or non-binary. The formula takes into account competing risks and the correlation between the two covariates.


		alpha = 0.05)



numeric. the postulated power.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio


numeric. proportion of subjects taking the value one for the covariate of interest.


numeric. square of the correlation between the covariate of interest and the other covariate.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the calculation of the number of required deaths derived by Latouche et al. (2004) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2),

where the covariate X1X_1 is of our interest. The covariate X1X_1 should be a binary variable taking two possible values: zero and one, while the covariate X2X_2 can be binary or continuous.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard of X1=1X_1=1 is equal to the hazard of X1=0X_1=0 or not. Equivalently, we want to check if the hazard ratio of X1=1X_1=1 to X1=0X_1=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the total number of deaths required to achieve a power of 1β1-\beta is

D=(z1α/2+z1β)2[log(θ)]2p(1p)(1ρ2),D=\frac{\left(z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta}\right)^2}{ [\log(\theta)]^2 p (1-p) (1-\rho^2), }

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution,

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times \sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1).


The number of deaths required to achieve the desired power with given type I error rate.


(1) The formula can be used to calculate power for a randomized trial study by setting rho2=0.

(2) When rho2=0, the formula derived by Latouche et al. (2004) looks the same as that derived by Schoenfeld (1983). Latouche et al. (2004) pointed out that in this situation, the interpretations are different hence the two formulae are actually different. In Latouched et al. (2004), the hazard ratio θ\theta measures the difference of effect of a covariate at two different levels on the subdistribution hazard for a particular failure, while in Schoenfeld (1983), the hazard ratio θ\theta measures the difference of effect on the cause-specific hazard.


Schoenfeld DA. (1983). Sample-size formula for the proportional-hazards regression model. Biometrics. 39:499-503.

Latouche A., Porcher R. and Chevret S. (2004). Sample size formula for proportional hazards modelling of competing risks. Statistics in Medicine. 23:3263-3274.

See Also



# Example at the end of Section 5.2 of Latouche et al. (2004)
  # for a cohort study.
  D <- numDEpi.default(power = 0.8, 
		       theta = 2, 
		       p = 0.39, 
                       rho2 = 0.132^2, 
		       alpha = 0.05)

  # proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.
  psi <- 0.505

  # total number of subjects required to achieve the desired power
  ceiling(D / psi)

Ophthalmology Data


The Ophthalmology data set is described in Example 14.41 on page 807 in Rosner (2006).




A data frame with 354 observations on the following 3 variables.


a numeric vector recording the survival/censoring time for each event/censoring.


a numeric vector recording if a observed time is event time (status=1) or censoring time (status=0).


a factor with levels C (indicating control group) and E (indicating experimental group).


This data set was from a clinical trial (Berson et al., 1993) conducted to test the efficacy of different vitamin supplements in preventing visual loss in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. Rosner (2006) used the data from this clinical trial to illustrate the analysis of survival data (Sections 14.9-14.12 of Rosner (2006)).

The data set consists of two groups of participants: (1) the experimental group (i.e., group E in which participants receiving 15,000 IU of vitamin A per day) and (2) the control group (i.e., group C in which participants receiving 75 IU of vitamin A per day).

The participants were enrolled over a 2-year period (1984-1987) and followed for a maximum of 6 years. The follow-up was terminated in September 1991. Some participants dropped out of the study before September 1991 and had not failed. Dropouts were due to death, other diseases, or side effects possibly due to the study medications, or unwillingness to comply (take study medications). There are 6 time points (at 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, 5-th year, and 6-th year) in this data set.

Rosner (2006, page 786) defined the participants who do not reach a disease endpoint during their period of follow-up as censored observations. A participant has been censored at time tt if the participant has been followed up to time tt and has not failed. Noninformative censoring is assumed. That is, participants who are censored have the same underlying survival curve after their censoring time as patients who are not censored.


Created based on Table 14.12 on page 787 of Rosner (2006).


Berson, E.L., Rosner, B., Sandberg, M.A., Hayes, K.C., Nicholson, B.W., Weigel-DiFranco, C., and Willett, W.C. (1993). A randomized trial of vitamin A and vitamin E supplementation for retinitis pigmentosa. Archives of Ophthalmology. 111:761-772.

Rosner B. (2006). Fundamentals of Biostatistics. (6-th edition). Thomson Brooks/Cole.



Power Calculation for Survival Analysis with Binary Predictor and Exponential Survival Function


Power calculation for survival analysis with binary predictor and exponential survival function.


    power.ini = 0.8, 
    power.low = 0.001, 
    power.upp = 0.999, 
    alpha = 0.05, 
    verbose = TRUE)



integer. Sample size.


numeric. Total study length.


numerc. m by 1 vector. The s-th element is the proportion of the total sample size for the s-th stratum, where m is the number of strata.


numeric. m by 1 vector. The s-th element is the proportion of subjects in treatment group 1 for the s-th stratum, where m is the number of strata.


numeric. Hazard ratio (Ratio of the hazard for treatment group 1 to the hazard for treatment group 0, i.e. reference group).


numeric. m by 1 vector. The s-th element is the hazard for treatment group 0 (i.e., reference group) in the s-th stratum.


numeric. Initial power estimate.


numeric. Lower bound for power.


numeric. Upper bound for power.


numeric. Type I error rate.


Logical. Indicating if intermediate results will be output or not.


We assume (1) there is only one predictor and no covariates in the survival model (exponential survival function); (2) there are m strata; (3) the predictor x is a binary variable indicating treatment group 1 (x=1x=1) or treatment group 0 (x=0x=0); (3) the treatment effect is constant over time (proportional hazards); (4) the hazard ratio is the same in all strata, and (5) the data will be analyzed by the stratified log rank test.

The sample size formula is Formula (1) on page 801 of Palta M and Amini SB (1985):


where α\alpha is the Type I error rate, β\beta is the Type II error rate (power=1β=1-\beta), ZαZ_{\alpha} is the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)-th percentile of standard normal distribution, and

μ=log(δ)s=1mgsPs(1Ps)Vs\mu=\log(\delta)\sqrt{ \sum_{s=1}^{m} g_s P_s (1 - P_s) V_s }


Vs=Ps[11λ1s{exp[λ1s(T1)]exp(λ1sT)}]+(1Ps)[11λ0s{exp[λ0s(T1)]exp(λ0sT}]V_s=P_s\left[1-\frac{1}{\lambda_{1s}} \left\{ \exp\left[-\lambda_{1s}(T-1)\right] -\exp(-\lambda_{1s}T) \right\} \right] +(1-P_s)\left[ 1-\frac{1}{\lambda_{0s}} \left\{ \exp\left[-\lambda_{0s}(T-1)\right] -\exp(-\lambda_{0s}T \right\} \right]

In the above formulas, mm is the number of strata, TT is the total study length, δ\delta is the hazard ratio, gsg_s is the proportion of the total sample size in stratum ss, PsP_s is the proportion of stratum ss, which is in treatment group 1, and λis\lambda_{is} is the hazard for the ii-th treatment group in stratum ss.


A list of 2 elments.


Estimated power


Object returned by funciton optim. We used numerical optimization method to calculate power based on sample size calculation formula.


Palta M and Amini SB. (1985). Consideration of covariates and stratification in sample size determination for survival time studies. Journal of Chronic Diseases. 38(9):801-809.

See Also



# example on page 803 of Palta M and Amini SB. (1985). 
res.power <- power.stratify(
  n = 146, 
  timeUnit = 1.25, 
  gVec = c(0.5, 0.5),
  PVec = c(0.5, 0.5), 
  HR = 1 / 1.91, 
  lambda0Vec = c(2.303, 1.139),
  power.ini = 0.8, 
  power.low = 0.001, 
  power.upp = 0.999,
  alpha = 0.05, 
  verbose = TRUE

Sample Size Calculation for Conditional Logistic Regression with Binary Covariate


Sample Size Calculation for Conditional Logistic Regression with Binary Covariate, such as matched logistic regression or nested case-control study.


  N = NULL, 
  power = 0.8, 
  R2 = 0, 
  alpha = 0.05, 
  nTests = 1,
  OR.low = 1.01,
  OR.upp = 100



integer. Number of sets. Each set contains nD cases and nH controls.


numeric. Power of the test for if the exposure variable is associated with the risk of diseases


numeric. Odds ratio =exp(θ)=exp(\theta), where θ\theta is the regression coefficient of the exposure variable.


numeric. Population prevalence of exposure.


integer. Number of cases per set.


integer. Number of controls per set.


numeric. Coefficient of determination of the exposure variable and other covariates


numeric. family-wise type I error rate.


integer. Number of tests.


numeric. Lower bound of odds ratio. Only used when OR=NULL and power and N are not equal to NULL.


numeric. Upper bound of odds ratio. Only used when OR=NULL and power and N are not equal to NULL.


The power and sample size calculation formulas are provided by Lachin (2008, Section 3.3, Formula (38))

power=Φ(Nczα/(2nTests))power = \Phi\left( \sqrt{N c} - z_{\alpha/(2 nTests)}\right)


N=(zpower+zα/(2nTests))2/cN = (z_{power} + z_{\alpha/(2 nTests)})^2/ c

where Φ\Phi is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution N(0,1)N(0, 1), zaz_{a} is the upper 100a100 a-th percentile of N(0,1)N(0, 1),

c=θ2pE(1pE)(1R2)nDnH/(nD+nH)c = \theta^2 pE (1-pE) (1-R^2)nD*nH/(nD+nH)

and R2R^2 is the coefficient of determination for linear regression linking the exposure with other covariates.


If the inputs is.null(N) = TRUE and is.null(power) = FALSE, then the function returns the number N of sets.

If the inputs is.null(N) = FALSE and is.null(power) = TRUE, then the function returns the power.

Otherwise, an error message is output.


Lachin, JM Sample Size Evaluation for a Multiply Matched Case-Control Study Using the Score Test From a Conditional Logistic (Discrete Cox PH) Regression Model. Stat Med. 2008 27(14): 2509-2523


# estimate power
power = powerConLogistic.bin(
  N = 59, 
  power = NULL, 
  OR = 3.5, 
  pE = 0.15, 
  nD = 1, 
  nH = 2, 
  R2 = 0, 
  alpha = 0.05, 
  nTests = 1)

print(power) # 0.80

# estimate N (number of sets)
N = powerConLogistic.bin(
  N = NULL, 
  power = 0.80, 
  OR = 3.5, 
  pE = 0.15, 
  nD = 1, 
  nH = 2, 
  R2 = 0, 
  alpha = 0.05, 
  nTests = 1)

print(ceiling(N)) # 59

# estimate OR
OR = powerConLogistic.bin(
  N = 59, 
  power = 0.80, 
  OR = NULL, 
  pE = 0.15, 
  nD = 1, 
  nH = 2, 
  R2 = 0, 
  alpha = 0.05, 
  nTests = 1,
  OR.low = 1.01,
  OR.upp = 100)

print(OR) # 3.49

Sample Size Calculation for Conditional Logistic Regression with Continuous Covariate


Sample Size Calculation for Conditional Logistic Regression with Continuous Covariate, such as matched logistic regression or nested case-control study.


  N = NULL, 
  power = 0.8, 
  R2 = 0, 
  alpha = 0.05, 
  nTests = 1,
  OR.low = 1.01,
  OR.upp = 100



integer. Number of sets. Each set contains nD cases and nH controls.


numeric. Power of the test for if the exposure variable is associated with the risk of diseases


numeric. Odds ratio =exp(θ)=exp(\theta), where θ\theta is the regression coefficient of the exposure variable.


numeric. Standard deviation of the continuous exposure variable.


integer. Number of cases per set.


integer. Number of controls per set.


numeric. Coefficient of determination of the exposure variable and other covariates


numeric. family-wise type I error rate.


integer. Number of tests.


numeric. Lower bound of odds ratio. Only used when OR=NULL and power and N are not equal to NULL.


numeric. Upper bound of odds ratio. Only used when OR=NULL and power and N are not equal to NULL.


The power and sample size calculation formulas are provided by Lachin (2008, Section 3.1, Formulas (24) and (25))

power=Φ(Nczα/(2nTests))power = \Phi\left( \sqrt{N c} - z_{\alpha/(2 nTests)}\right)


N=(zpower+zα/(2nTests))2/cN = (z_{power} + z_{\alpha/(2 nTests)})^2/ c

where Φ\Phi is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution N(0,1)N(0, 1), zaz_{a} is the upper 100a100 a-th percentile of N(0,1)N(0, 1),

c=θ2σ2nD(11/b)(1R2)c = \theta^2 \sigma^2 nD (1-1/b) (1-R^2)

and bb is the Binomial coefficient (nn chooses nDnD), n=nD+nHn = nD + nH, and R2R^2 is the coefficient of determination for linear regression linking the exposure with other covariates.


If the inputs is.null(N) = TRUE and is.null(power) = FALSE, then the function returns the number N of sets.

If the inputs is.null(N) = FALSE and is.null(power) = TRUE, then the function returns the power.

Otherwise, an error message is output.


Lachin, JM Sample Size Evaluation for a Multiply Matched Case-Control Study Using the Score Test From a Conditional Logistic (Discrete Cox PH) Regression Model. Stat Med. 2008 27(14): 2509-2523



# Section 4.1 in Lachin (2008) 

# estimate number of sets 
N = powerConLogistic.con(N = NULL,
                                power = 0.85,
                                OR = 1.39,
                                sigma = 1,
                                nD = 1,
                                nH = 2,
                                R2 = 0,
                                alpha = 0.05,
                                nTests = 1)
print(ceiling(N)) # 125

# estimate power 
power = powerConLogistic.con(N = 125,
                                power = NULL,
                                OR = 1.39,
                                sigma = 1,
                                nD = 1,
                                nH = 2,
                                R2 = 0,
                                alpha = 0.05,
                                nTests = 1)
print(power) # 0.85

# estimate OR 
OR = powerConLogistic.con(N = 125,
                                power = 0.85,
                                OR = NULL,
                                sigma = 1,
                                nD = 1,
                                nH = 2,
                                R2 = 0,
                                alpha = 0.05,
                                nTests = 1)
print(OR) # 1.39

Power Calculation in the Analysis of Survival Data for Clinical Trials


Power calculation for the Comparison of Survival Curves Between Two Groups under the Cox Proportional-Hazards Model for clinical trials. Some parameters will be estimated based on a pilot data set.


	alpha = 0.05)



A formula object, e.g. Surv(time, status) ~ x, where time is a vector of survival/censoring time, status is a vector of censoring indicator, x is the group indicator, which is a factor object in R and takes only two possible values (C for control group and E for experimental group). See also the documentation of the function survfit in the library survival.


a data frame representing the pilot data set and containing at least 3 columns: (1) survival/censoring time; (2) censoring indicator; (3) group indicator which is a factor object in R and takes only two possible values (C for control group and E for experimental group).


integer. number of participants in the experimental group.


integer. number of participants in the control group.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation method described in Section 14.12 (page 807) of Rosner (2006). The method was proposed by Freedman (1982).

The movitation of this function is that some times we do not have information about mm or pEp_E and pCp_C available, but we have a pilot data set that can be used to estimate pEp_E and pCp_C hence mm, where m=nEpE+nCpCm=n_E p_E + n_C p_C is the expected total number of events over both groups, nEn_E and nCn_C are numbers of participants in group E (experimental group) and group C (control group), respectively. pEp_E is the probability of failure in group E (experimental group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years). pCp_C is the probability of failure in group C (control group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years).

Suppose we want to compare the survival curves between an experimental group (EE) and a control group (CC) in a clinical trial with a maximum follow-up of tt years. The Cox proportional hazards regression model is assumed to have the form:

h(tX1)=h0(t)exp(β1X1).h(t|X_1)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 X_1).

Let nEn_E be the number of participants in the EE group and nCn_C be the number of participants in the CC group. We wish to test the hypothesis H0:RR=1H0: RR=1 versus H1:RRH1: RR not equal to 1, where RR=exp(β1)=RR=\exp(\beta_1)=underlying hazard ratio for the EE group versus the CC group. Let RRRR be the postulated hazard ratio, α\alpha be the significance level. Assume that the test is a two-sided test. If the ratio of participants in group E compared to group C =nE/nC=k= n_E/n_C=k, then the power of the test is



m=nEpE+nCpC,m=n_E p_E+n_C p_C,

and z1α/2z_{1-\alpha/2} is the 100(1α/2)100 (1-\alpha/2)-th percentile of the standard normal distribution N(0,1)N(0, 1), Φ\Phi is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of N(0,1)N(0, 1).

pCp_C and pEp_E can be calculated from the following formulaes:

pC=i=1tDi,pE=i=1tEi,p_C=\sum_{i=1}^{t}D_i, p_E=\sum_{i=1}^{t}E_i,

where Di=λiAiCiD_i=\lambda_i A_i C_i, Ei=RRλiBiCiE_i=RR\lambda_i B_i C_i, Ai=j=0i1(1λj)A_i=\prod_{j=0}^{i-1}(1-\lambda_j), Bi=j=0i1(1RRλj)B_i=\prod_{j=0}^{i-1}(1-RR\lambda_j), Ci=j=0i1(1δj)C_i=\prod_{j=0}^{i-1}(1-\delta_j). And λi\lambda_i is the probability of failure at time i among participants in the control group, given that a participant has survived to time i1i-1 and is not censored at time i1i-1, i.e., the approximate hazard time ii in the control group, i=1,...,ti=1,...,t; RRlambdaiRRlambda_i is the probability of failure at time i among participants in the experimental group, given that a participant has survived to time i1i-1 and is not censored at time i1i-1, i.e., the approximate hazard time ii in the experimental group, i=1,...,ti=1,...,t; deltadelta is the prbability that a participant is censored at time ii given that he was followed up to time ii and has not failed, i=0,1,...,ti=0, 1, ..., t, which is assumed the same in each group.



a matrix with 9 columns and nTimes+1 rows, where nTimes is the number of observed time points for the control group in the data set. The 9 columns are (1) time - observed time point for the control group; (2) lambda; (3) RRlambda; (4) delta; (5) A; (6) B; (7) C; (8) D; (9) E. Please refer to the Details section for the definitions of elements of these quantities. See also Table 14.24 on page 809 of Rosner (2006).


a matrix with 5 columns and nTimes+1 rows, where nTimes is the number of observed time points for control group in the data set. The 5 columns are (1) time - observed time point for the control group; (2) nEvent.C - number of events in the control group at each time point; (3) nCensored.C - number of censorings in the control group at each time point; (4) nSurvive.C - number of alived in the control group at each time point; (5) nRisk.C - number of participants at risk in the control group at each time point. Please refer to Table 14.12 on page 787 of Rosner (2006).


estimated probability of failure in group C (control group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years).


estimated probability of failure in group E (experimental group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years).


the power of the test.


(1) The estimates of RRlambdai=RRλiRRlambda_i=RR*\lambda_i. That is, RRlambda is not directly estimated based on data from the experimental group; (2) The power formula assumes that the central-limit theorem is valid and hence is appropriate for large samples.


Freedman, L.S. (1982). Tables of the number of patients required in clinical trials using the log-rank test. Statistics in Medicine. 1: 121-129

Rosner B. (2006). Fundamentals of Biostatistics. (6-th edition). Thomson Brooks/Cole.

See Also

powerCT.default0, powerCT.default


# Example 14.42 in Rosner B. Fundamentals of Biostatistics. 
  # (6-th edition). (2006) page 809


  res <- powerCT(formula = Surv(times, status) ~ group, 
		 dat = Oph, 
                 nE = 200, 
		 nC = 200, 
		 RR = 0.7, 
		 alpha = 0.05)

  # Table 14.24 on page 809 of Rosner (2006)
  print(round(res$mat.lambda, 4))

  # Table 14.12 on page 787 of Rosner (2006)
  print(round(res$mat.event, 4))

  # the power
  print(round(res$power, 2))

Power Calculation in the Analysis of Survival Data for Clinical Trials


Power calculation for the Comparison of Survival Curves Between Two Groups under the Cox Proportional-Hazards Model for clinical trials.


		alpha = 0.05)



integer. number of participants in the experimental group.


integer. number of participants in the control group.


numeric. probability of failure in group E (experimental group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years).


numeric. probability of failure in group C (control group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years).


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation method described in Section 14.12 (page 807) of Rosner (2006). The method was proposed by Freedman (1982).

Suppose we want to compare the survival curves between an experimental group (EE) and a control group (CC) in a clinical trial with a maximum follow-up of tt years. The Cox proportional hazards regression model is assumed to have the form:

h(tX1)=h0(t)exp(β1X1).h(t|X_1)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 X_1).

Let nEn_E be the number of participants in the EE group and nCn_C be the number of participants in the CC group. We wish to test the hypothesis H0:RR=1H0: RR=1 versus H1:RRH1: RR not equal to 1, where RR=exp(β1)=RR=\exp(\beta_1)=underlying hazard ratio for the EE group versus the CC group. Let RRRR be the postulated hazard ratio, α\alpha be the significance level. Assume that the test is a two-sided test. If the ratio of participants in group E compared to group C =nE/nC=k= n_E/n_C=k, then the power of the test is



m=nEpE+nCpC,m=n_E p_E+n_C p_C,

and z1α/2z_{1-\alpha/2} is the 100(1α/2)100 (1-\alpha/2)-th percentile of the standard normal distribution N(0,1)N(0, 1), Φ\Phi is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of N(0,1)N(0, 1).


The power of the test.


The power formula assumes that the central-limit theorem is valid and hence is appropriate for large samples.


Freedman, L.S. (1982). Tables of the number of patients required in clinical trials using the log-rank test. Statistics in Medicine. 1: 121-129

Rosner B. (2006). Fundamentals of Biostatistics. (6-th edition). Thomson Brooks/Cole.

See Also

powerCT.default0, powerCT


# Example 14.42 in Rosner B. Fundamentals of Biostatistics. 
  # (6-th edition). (2006) page 809
  powerCT.default(nE = 200, 
		  nC = 200, 
		  pE = 0.3707, 
		  pC = 0.4890, 
                  RR = 0.7, 
		  alpha = 0.05)

Power Calculation in the Analysis of Survival Data for Clinical Trials


Power calculation for the Comparison of Survival Curves Between Two Groups under the Cox Proportional-Hazards Model for clinical trials.


		 alpha = 0.05)



numeric. ratio of participants in group E (experimental group) compared to group C (control group).


integer. expected total number of events over both groups.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation method described in Section 14.12 (page 807) of Rosner (2006). The method was proposed by Freedman (1982).

Suppose we want to compare the survival curves between an experimental group (EE) and a control group (CC) in a clinical trial with a maximum follow-up of tt years. The Cox proportional hazards regression model is assumed to have the form:

h(tX1)=h0(t)exp(β1X1).h(t|X_1)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 X_1).

Let nEn_E be the number of participants in the EE group and nCn_C be the number of participants in the CC group. We wish to test the hypothesis H0:RR=1H0: RR=1 versus H1:RRH1: RR not equal to 1, where RR=exp(β1)=RR=\exp(\beta_1)=underlying hazard ratio for the EE group versus the CC group. Let RRRR be the postulated hazard ratio, α\alpha be the significance level. Assume that the test is a two-sided test. If the ratio of participants in group E compared to group C =nE/nC=k= n_E/n_C=k, then the power of the test is


where z1α/2z_{1-\alpha/2} is the 100(1α/2)100 (1-\alpha/2)-th percentile of the standard normal distribution N(0,1)N(0, 1), Φ\Phi is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of N(0,1)N(0, 1).


The power of the test.


The power formula assumes that the central-limit theorem is valid and hence is appropriate for large samples.


Freedman, L.S. (1982). Tables of the number of patients required in clinical trials using the log-rank test. Statistics in Medicine. 1: 121-129

Rosner B. (2006). Fundamentals of Biostatistics. (6-th edition). Thomson Brooks/Cole.

See Also

powerCT.default, powerCT


# Example 14.42 in Rosner B. Fundamentals of Biostatistics. 
  # (6-th edition). (2006) page 809
  powerCT.default0(k = 1, 
		   m = 171.9, 
		   RR = 0.7, 
		   alpha = 0.05)

Power Calculation for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression with Two Covariates for Epidemiological Studies


Power calculation for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for epidemiological Studies. The covariate of interest should be a binary variable. The other covariate can be either binary or non-binary. The formula takes into account competing risks and the correlation between the two covariates. Some parameters will be estimated based on a pilot data set.


powerEpi(X1, X2, failureFlag, n, theta, alpha = 0.05)



numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot data set. This vector records the values of the covariate of interest for the nPilot subjects in the pilot study. X1 should be binary and take only two possible values: zero and one.


numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot study. This vector records the values of the second covariate for the nPilot subjects in the pilot study. X2 can be binary or non-binary.


numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector of indicators indicating if a subject is failure (failureFlag=1) or alive (failureFlag=0).


integer. total number of subjects


numeric. postulated hazard ratio


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation formula derived by Latouche et al. (2004) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2),

where the covariate X1X_1 is of our interest. The covariate X1X_1 should be a binary variable taking two possible values: zero and one, while the covariate X2X_2 can be binary or continuous.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard of X1=1X_1=1 is equal to the hazard of X1=0X_1=0 or not. Equivalently, we want to check if the hazard ratio of X1=1X_1=1 to X1=0X_1=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the power required to detect a hazard ratio as small as exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta is

power=Φ(z1α/2+n[log(θ)]2p(1p)ψ(1ρ2)),power=\Phi\left(-z_{1-\alpha/2}+\sqrt{n[\log(\theta)]^2 p (1-p) \psi (1-\rho^2)}\right),

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times \sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1).

pp, ρ2\rho^2, and ψ\psi will be estimated from a pilot data set.



the power of the test.


proportion of subjects taking X1=1X_1=1.


square of the correlation between X1X_1 and X2X_2.


proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


(1) The formula can be used to calculate power for a randomized trial study by setting rho2=0.

(2) When ρ2=0\rho^2=0, the formula derived by Latouche et al. (2004) looks the same as that derived by Schoenfeld (1983). Latouche et al. (2004) pointed out that in this situation, the interpretations are different hence the two formulae are actually different. In Latouched et al. (2004), the hazard ratio θ\theta measures the difference of effect of a covariate at two different levels on the subdistribution hazard for a particular failure, while in Schoenfeld (1983), the hazard ratio θ\theta measures the difference of effect on the cause-specific hazard.


Schoenfeld DA. (1983). Sample-size formula for the proportional-hazards regression model. Biometrics. 39:499-503.

Latouche A., Porcher R. and Chevret S. (2004). Sample size formula for proportional hazards modelling of competing risks. Statistics in Medicine. 23:3263-3274.

See Also



# generate a toy pilot data set
  X1 <- c(rep(1, 39), rep(0, 61))
  X2 <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)
  failureFlag <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, prob = c(0.5, 0.5), replace = TRUE)

  powerEpi(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, failureFlag = failureFlag, 
    n = 139, theta = 2, alpha = 0.05)

Power Calculation for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression with Two Covariates for Epidemiological Studies


Power calculation for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for epidemiological Studies. The covariate of interest should be a binary variable. The other covariate can be either binary or non-binary. The formula takes into account competing risks and the correlation between the two covariates.


		 alpha = 0.05)



integer. total number of subjects


numeric. postulated hazard ratio


numeric. proportion of subjects taking the value one for the covariate of interest.


numeric. proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


numeric. square of the correlation between the covariate of interest and the other covariate.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation formula derived by Latouche et al. (2004) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2),

where the covariate X1X_1 is of our interest. The covariate X1X_1 should be a binary variable taking two possible values: zero and one, while the covariate X2X_2 can be binary or continuous.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard of X1=1X_1=1 is equal to the hazard of X1=0X_1=0 or not. Equivalently, we want to check if the hazard ratio of X1=1X_1=1 to X1=0X_1=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the power required to detect a hazard ratio as small as exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta is

power=Φ(z1α/2+n[log(θ)]2p(1p)ψ(1ρ2)),power=\Phi\left(-z_{1-\alpha/2}+\sqrt{n[\log(\theta)]^2 p (1-p) \psi (1-\rho^2)}\right),

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times \sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1).


The power of the test.


(1) The formula can be used to calculate power for a randomized trial study by setting rho2=0.

(2) When rho2=0, the formula derived by Latouche et al. (2004) looks the same as that derived by Schoenfeld (1983). Latouche et al. (2004) pointed out that in this situation, the interpretations are different hence the two formulae are actually different. In Latouched et al. (2004), the hazard ratio θ\theta measures the difference of effect of a covariate at two different levels on the subdistribution hazard for a particular failure, while in Schoenfeld (1983), the hazard ratio θ\theta measures the difference of effect on the cause-specific hazard.


Schoenfeld DA. (1983). Sample-size formula for the proportional-hazards regression model. Biometrics. 39:499-503.

Latouche A., Porcher R. and Chevret S. (2004). Sample size formula for proportional hazards modelling of competing risks. Statistics in Medicine. 23:3263-3274.

See Also



# Example at the end of Section 5.2 of Latouche et al. (2004)
  # for a cohort study.
  powerEpi.default(n = 139, 
		   theta = 2, 
		   p = 0.39, 
		   psi = 0.505,
                   rho2 = 0.132^2, 
		   alpha = 0.05)

Power Calculation for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression with Nonbinary Covariates for Epidemiological Studies


Power calculation for Cox proportional hazards regression with nonbinary covariates for Epidemiological Studies. Some parameters will be estimated based on a pilot data set.


	     alpha = 0.05)



a formula object relating the covariate of interest to other covariates to calculate the multiple correlation coefficient. The variables in formula must be in the data frame dat.


a nPilot by p data frame representing the pilot data set, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot study and the p (>1>1) columns contains the covariate of interest and other covariates.


character. name of the column in the data frame dat, indicating the covariate of interest.


character. name of the column in the data frame dat, indicating if a subject is failure (taking value 1) or alive (taking value 0).


integer. total number of subjects.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation formula derived by Hsieh and Lavori (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2),h(t|x_1, \boldsymbol{x}_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\boldsymbol{\beta}_2 \boldsymbol{x}_2),

where the covariate X1X_1 is a nonbinary variable and X2\boldsymbol{X}_2 is a vector of other covariates.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the main effect X1=1X_1=1 to X1=0X_1=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the power required to detect a hazard ratio as small as exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta is

power=Φ(z1α/2+n[log(θ)]2σ2ψ(1ρ2)),power=\Phi\left(-z_{1-\alpha/2}+\sqrt{n[\log(\theta)]^2 \sigma^2 \psi (1-\rho^2)}\right),

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, σ2=Var(X1)\sigma^2=Var(X_1), ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and ρ\rho is the multiple correlation coefficient of the following linear regression:


That is, ρ2=R2\rho^2=R^2, where R2R^2 is the proportion of variance explained by the regression of X1X_1 on the vector of covriates X2\boldsymbol{X}_2.

rhorho will be estimated from a pilot study.



The power of the test.


square of the correlation between X1X_1 and X2X_2.


variance of the covariate of interest.


proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


(1) Hsieh and Lavori (2000) assumed one-sided test, while this implementation assumed two-sided test. (2) The formula can be used to calculate power for a randomized trial study by setting rho2=0.


Hsieh F.Y. and Lavori P.W. (2000). Sample-size calculation for the Cox proportional hazards regression model with nonbinary covariates. Controlled Clinical Trials. 21:552-560.

See Also



# generate a toy pilot data set
  X1 <- rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3126)
  X2 <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)
  failureFlag <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, prob = c(0.25, 0.75), replace = TRUE)
  dat <- data.frame(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, failureFlag = failureFlag)

  powerEpiCont(formula = X1 ~ X2, 
	       dat = dat, 
	       var.X1 = "X1", 
	       var.failureFlag = "failureFlag", 
               n = 107, 
	       theta = exp(1), 
	       alpha = 0.05)

Power Calculation for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression with Nonbinary Covariates for Epidemiological Studies


Power calculation for Cox proportional hazards regression with nonbinary covariates for Epidemiological Studies.


		     alpha = 0.05)



integer. total number of subjects.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. variance of the covariate of interest.


numeric. proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


numeric. square of the multiple correlation coefficient between the covariate of interest and other covariates.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation formula derived by Hsieh and Lavori (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2),h(t|x_1, \boldsymbol{x}_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\boldsymbol{\beta}_2 \boldsymbol{x}_2),

where the covariate X1X_1 is a nonbinary variable and X2\boldsymbol{X}_2 is a vector of other covariates.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the main effect X1=1X_1=1 to X1=0X_1=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the power required to detect a hazard ratio as small as exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta is

power=Φ(z1α/2+n[log(θ)]2σ2ψ(1ρ2)),power=\Phi\left(-z_{1-\alpha/2}+\sqrt{n[\log(\theta)]^2 \sigma^2 \psi (1-\rho^2)}\right),

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, σ2=Var(X1)\sigma^2=Var(X_1), ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and ρ\rho is the multiple correlation coefficient of the following linear regression:


That is, ρ2=R2\rho^2=R^2, where R2R^2 is the proportion of variance explained by the regression of X1X_1 on the vector of covriates X2\boldsymbol{X}_2.


The power of the test.


(1) Hsieh and Lavori (2000) assumed one-sided test, while this implementation assumed two-sided test. (2) The formula can be used to calculate power for a randomized trial study by setting rho2=0.


Hsieh F.Y. and Lavori P.W. (2000). Sample-size calculation for the Cox proportional hazards regression model with nonbinary covariates. Controlled Clinical Trials. 21:552-560.

See Also



# example in the EXAMPLE section (page 557) of Hsieh and Lavori (2000).
  # Hsieh and Lavori (2000) assumed one-sided test, 
  # while this implementation assumed two-sided test. 
  # Hence alpha=0.1 here (two-sided test) will correspond
  # to alpha=0.05 of one-sided test in Hsieh and Lavori's (2000) example.
  powerEpiCont.default(n = 107, 
		       theta = exp(1), 
		       sigma2 = 0.3126^2, 
                       psi = 0.738, 
		       rho2 = 0.1837, 
		       alpha = 0.1)

Power Calculation Testing Interaction Effect for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies (Both covariates should be binary)


Power calculation testing interaction effect for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies. Both covariates should be binary variables. The formula takes into account the correlation between the two covariates. Some parameters will be estimated based on a pilot study.


	    alpha = 0.05)



numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot data set. This vector records the values of the covariate of interest for the nPilot subjects in the pilot study. X1 should be binary and take only two possible values: zero and one.


numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot study. This vector records the values of the second covariate for the nPilot subjects in the pilot study. X2 should be binary and take only two possible values: zero and one.


numeric.a nPilot by 1 vector of indicators indicating if a subject is failure (failureFlag=1) or alive (failureFlag=0).


integer. total number of subjects.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation formula derived by Schmoor et al. (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemoilogical studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2+γ(x1x2)),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2 + \gamma (x_1 x_2)),

where both covariates X1X_1 and X2X_2 are binary variables.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the interaction effect X1X2=1X_1 X_2=1 to X1X2=0X_1 X_2=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the power required to detect a hazard ratio as small as exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta is:

power=Φ(z1α/2+nδ[log(θ)]2ψ),power=\Phi\left(-z_{1-\alpha/2}+\sqrt{\frac{n}{\delta}[\log(\theta)]^2 \psi}\right),

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution,

δ=1p00+1p01+1p10+1p11,\delta=\frac{1}{p_{00}}+\frac{1}{p_{01}}+\frac{1}{p_{10}} +\frac{1}{p_{11}},

ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and p00=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=0)p_{00}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p01=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=1)p_{01}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=1), p10=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=0)p_{10}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p11=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=1)p_{11}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=1).

p00p_{00}, p01p_{01}, p10p_{10}, p11p_{11}, and ψ\psi will be estimated from the pilot data.



the power of the test.


estimated Pr(X1=1)Pr(X_1=1)


estimated Pr(X2=1)Pr(X_2=1)


estimated Pr(X1=1X2=0)Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=0)


estimated Pr(X1=1X2=1)Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1)


square of the estimated corr(X1,X2)corr(X_1, X_2)


a factor adjusting the sample size. The sample size needed to detect an effect of a prognostic factor with given error probabilities has to be multiplied by the factor G when an interaction of the same magnitude is to be detected.


estimated number of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=0X_2=0.


estimated number of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=1X_2=1.


estimated number of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=0X_2=0.


estimated number of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=1X_2=1.


proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


Schmoor C., Sauerbrei W., and Schumacher M. (2000). Sample size considerations for the evaluation of prognostic factors in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 19:441-452.

See Also

powerEpiInt.default0, powerEpiInt2


# generate a toy pilot data set
  X1 <- c(rep(1, 39), rep(0, 61))
  X2 <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)
  failureFlag <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, prob = c(0.25, 0.75), replace = TRUE)

  powerEpiInt(X1 = X1, 
	      X2 = X2, 
	      failureFlag = failureFlag, 
	      n = 184, 
	      theta = 3, 
	      alpha = 0.05)

Power Calculation Testing Interaction Effect for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression


Power calculation testing interaction effect for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies. Both covariates should be binary variables. The formula takes into account the correlation between the two covariates.


		     alpha = 0.05)



integer. total number of subjects.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. proportion of subjects taking the value one for the covariate of interest.


numeric. proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


numeric. a factor adjusting the sample size. The sample size needed to detect an effect of a prognostic factor with given error probabilities has to be multiplied by the factor G when an interaction of the same magnitude is to be detected.


numeric. square of the correlation between the covariate of interest and the other covariate.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation formula derived by Schmoor et al. (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2+γ(x1x2)),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2 + \gamma (x_1 x_2)),

where both covariates X1X_1 and X2X_2 are binary variables.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the interaction effect X1X2=1X_1 X_2=1 to X1X2=0X_1 X_2=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the power required to detect a hazard ratio as small as exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta is

power=Φ(z1α/2+nG[log(θ)]2p(1p)ψ(1ρ2)),power=\Phi\left(-z_{1-\alpha/2}+\sqrt{\frac{n}{G}[\log(\theta)]^2 p (1-p) \psi (1-\rho^2)}\right),

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times \sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1), and

G=[(1q)(1p0)p0+q(1p1)p1]2(1q)q(1p0)p0(1p1)p1.G=\frac{[(1-q)(1-p_0)p_0+q(1-p_1)p_1]^2}{(1-q)q (1-p_0)p_0 (1-p_1) p_1}.

If X1X_1 and X2X_2 are uncorrelated, we have p0=p1=pp_0=p_1=p leading to 1/[(1q)q]1/[(1-q)q]. For q=0.5q=0.5, we have G=4G=4.


The power of the test.


Schmoor C., Sauerbrei W., and Schumacher M. (2000). Sample size considerations for the evaluation of prognostic factors in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 19:441-452.

See Also

powerEpiInt.default1, powerEpiInt2


# Example at the end of Section 4 of Schmoor et al. (2000).
  powerEpiInt.default0(n = 184, 
		       theta = 3, 
		       p = 0.61, 
		       psi = 139 / 184, 
                       G = 4.79177, 
		       rho2 = 0.015^2, 
		       alpha = 0.05)

Power Calculation Testing Interaction Effect for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression


Power calculation testing interaction effect for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies. Both covariates should be binary variables. The formula takes into account the correlation between the two covariates.


		     alpha = 0.05)



integer. total number of subjects.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


numeric. proportion of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=0X_2=0, i.e., p00=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=0)p_{00}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=0).


numeric. proportion of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=1X_2=1, i.e., p01=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=1)p_{01}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=1).


numeric. proportion of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=0X_2=0, i.e., p10=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=0)p_{10}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=0).


numeric. proportion of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=1X_2=1, i.e., p11=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=1)p_{11}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=1).


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation formula derived by Schmoor et al. (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemoilogical studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2+γ(x1x2)),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2 + \gamma (x_1 x_2)),

where both covariates X1X_1 and X2X_2 are binary variables.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the interaction effect X1X2=1X_1 X_2=1 to X1X2=0X_1 X_2=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the power required to detect a hazard ratio as small as exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta is:

power=Φ(z1α/2+nδ[log(θ)]2ψ),power=\Phi\left(-z_{1-\alpha/2}+\sqrt{\frac{n}{\delta}[\log(\theta)]^2 \psi}\right),

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution,

δ=1p00+1p01+1p10+1p11,\delta=\frac{1}{p_{00}}+\frac{1}{p_{01}}+\frac{1}{p_{10}} +\frac{1}{p_{11}},

ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and p00=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=0)p_{00}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p01=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=1)p_{01}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=1), p10=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=0)p_{10}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p11=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=1)p_{11}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=1).


The power of the test.


Schmoor C., Sauerbrei W., and Schumacher M. (2000). Sample size considerations for the evaluation of prognostic factors in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 19:441-452.

See Also

powerEpiInt.default0, powerEpiInt2


# Example at the end of Section 4 of Schmoor et al. (2000).
  # p00, p01, p10, and p11 are calculated based on Table III on page 448
  # of Schmoor et al. (2000).
  powerEpiInt.default1(n = 184, 
		       theta = 3, 
		       psi = 139 / 184,
                       p00 = 50 / 184, 
		       p01 = 21 / 184, 
		       p10 = 78 / 184, 
		       p11 = 35 / 184,
                       alpha = 0.05)

Power Calculation Testing Interaction Effect for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression


Power calculation testing interaction effect for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies. Both covariates should be binary variables. The formula takes into account the correlation between the two covariates.


	     alpha = 0.05)



integer. total number of subjects.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


integer. number of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=0X_2=0 obtained from a pilot study.


integer. number of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=1X_2=1 obtained from a pilot study.


integer. number of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=0X_2=0 obtained from a pilot study.


integer. number of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=1X_2=1 obtained from a pilot study.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the power calculation formula derived by Schmoor et al. (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2+γ(x1x2)),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2 + \gamma (x_1 x_2)),

where both covariates X1X_1 and X2X_2 are binary variables.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the interaction effect X1X2=1X_1 X_2=1 to X1X2=0X_1 X_2=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the power required to detect a hazard ratio as small as exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta is

power=Φ(z1α/2+nG[log(θ)]2p(1p)ψ(1ρ2)),power=\Phi\left(-z_{1-\alpha/2}+\sqrt{\frac{n}{G}[\log(\theta)]^2 p (1-p) \psi (1-\rho^2)}\right),

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times\sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1), and

G=[(1q)(1p0)p0+q(1p1)p1]2(1q)q(1p0)p0(1p1)p1,G=\frac{[(1-q)(1-p_0)p_0+q(1-p_1)p_1]^2}{(1-q)q (1-p_0)p_0 (1-p_1) p_1},

and p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)=myc/(mya+myc)p0=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=0)=myc/(mya+myc), p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)=myd/(myb+myd)p1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1)=myd/(myb+myd), p=Pr(X1=1)=(myc+myd)/nobsp=Pr(X_1=1)=(myc+myd)/n_{obs}, q=Pr(X2=1)=(myb+myd)/nobsq=Pr(X_2=1)=(myb+myd)/n_{obs}, nobs=mya+myb+myc+mydn_{obs}=mya+myb+myc+myd.

p00=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=0)p_{00}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p01=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=1)p_{01}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=1), p10=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=0)p_{10}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p11=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=1)p_{11}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=1).


The power of the test.


Schmoor C., Sauerbrei W., and Schumacher M. (2000). Sample size considerations for the evaluation of prognostic factors in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 19:441-452.

See Also

powerEpiInt.default0, powerEpiInt.default1


# Example at the end of Section 4 of Schmoor et al. (2000).
  # mya, myb, myc, and myd are obtained from Table III on page 448
  # of Schmoor et al. (2000).
  powerEpiInt2(n = 184, 
	       theta = 3, 
	       psi = 139 / 184,
               mya = 50, 
	       myb = 21, 
	       myc = 78, 
	       myd = 35, 
	       alpha = 0.05)

Sample size calculation for Survival Analysis with Binary Predictor and Exponential Survival Function


Sample size calculation for survival analysis with binary predictor and exponential survival function.


    alpha = 0.05, 
    verbose = TRUE)



numeric. Power of the test.


numeric. Total study length.


numeric. m by 1 vector. The s-th element is the proportion of the total sample size for the s-th stratum, where m is the number of strata.


numeric. m by 1 vector. The s-th element is the proportion of subjects in treatment group 1 for the s-th stratum, where m is the number of strata.


numeric. Hazard ratio (Ratio of the hazard for treatment group 1 to the hazard for treatment group 0, i.e. reference group).


numeric. m by 1 vector. The s-th element is the hazard for treatment group 0 (i.e., reference group) in the s-th stratum.


numeric. Type I error rate.


Logical. Indicating if intermediate results will be output or not.


We assume (1) there is only one predictor and no covariates in the survival model (exponential survival function); (2) there are m strata; (3) the predictor x is a binary variable indicating treatment group 1 (x=1x=1) or treatment group 0 (x=0x=0); (3) the treatment effect is constant over time (proportional hazards); (4) the hazard ratio is the same in all strata, and (5) the data will be analyzed by the stratified log rank test.

The sample size formula is Formula (1) on page 801 of Palta M and Amini SB (1985):


where α\alpha is the Type I error rate, β\beta is the Type II error rate (power=1β=1-\beta), ZαZ_{\alpha} is the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)-th percentile of standard normal distribution, and

μ=log(δ)s=1mgsPs(1Ps)Vs\mu=\log(\delta)\sqrt{ \sum_{s=1}^{m} g_s P_s (1 - P_s) V_s }


Vs=Ps[11λ1s{exp[λ1s(T1)]exp(λ1sT)}]+(1Ps)[11λ0s{exp[λ0s(T1)]exp(λ0sT}]V_s=P_s\left[1-\frac{1}{\lambda_{1s}} \left\{ \exp\left[-\lambda_{1s}(T-1)\right] -\exp(-\lambda_{1s}T) \right\} \right] +(1-P_s)\left[ 1-\frac{1}{\lambda_{0s}} \left\{ \exp\left[-\lambda_{0s}(T-1)\right] -\exp(-\lambda_{0s}T \right\} \right]

In the above formulas, mm is the number of strata, TT is the total study length, δ\delta is the hazard ratio, gsg_s is the proportion of the total sample size in stratum ss, PsP_s is the proportion of stratum ss, which is in treatment group 1, and λis\lambda_{is} is the hazard for the ii-th treatment group in stratum ss.


The sample size.


Palta M and Amini SB. (1985). Consideration of covariates and stratification in sample size determination for survival time studies. Journal of Chronic Diseases. 38(9):801-809.

See Also



# example on page 803 of Palta M and Amini SB. (1985). 
n <- ssize.stratify(
  power = 0.9, 
  timeUnit = 1.25, 
  gVec = c(0.5, 0.5),
  PVec = c(0.5, 0.5), 
  HR = 1 / 1.91, 
  lambda0Vec = c(2.303, 1.139),
  alpha = 0.05, 
  verbose = TRUE

Sample Size Calculation in the Analysis of Survival Data for Clinical Trials


Sample size calculation for the Comparison of Survival Curves Between Two Groups under the Cox Proportional-Hazards Model for clinical trials. Some parameters will be estimated based on a pilot data set.


	alpha = 0.05)



A formula object, e.g. Surv(time, status) ~ x, where time is a vector of survival/censoring time, status is a vector of censoring indicator, x is the group indicator, which is a factor object in R and takes only two possible values (C for control group and E for experimental group). See also the documentation of the function survfit in the library survival.


a data frame representing the pilot data set and containing at least 3 columns: (1) survival/censoring time; (2) censoring indicator; (3) group indicator which is a factor object in R and takes only two possible values (C for control group and E for experimental group).


numeric. power to detect the magnitude of the hazard ratio as small as that specified by RR.


numeric. ratio of participants in group E (experimental group) compared to group C (control group).


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the sample size calculation method described in Section 14.12 (page 807) of Rosner (2006). The method was proposed by Freedman (1982).

The movitation of this function is that some times we do not have information about mm or pEp_E and pCp_C available, but we have a pilot data set that can be used to estimate pEp_E and pCp_C hence mm, where m=nEpE+nCpCm=n_E p_E + n_C p_C is the expected total number of events over both groups, nEn_E and nCn_C are numbers of participants in group E (experimental group) and group C (control group), respectively. pEp_E is the probability of failure in group E (experimental group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years). pCp_C is the probability of failure in group C (control group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years).

Suppose we want to compare the survival curves between an experimental group (EE) and a control group (CC) in a clinical trial with a maximum follow-up of tt years. The Cox proportional hazards regression model is assumed to have the form:

h(tX1)=h0(t)exp(β1X1).h(t|X_1)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 X_1).

Let nEn_E be the number of participants in the EE group and nCn_C be the number of participants in the CC group. We wish to test the hypothesis H0:RR=1H0: RR=1 versus H1:RRH1: RR not equal to 1, where RR=exp(β1)=RR=\exp(\beta_1)=underlying hazard ratio for the EE group versus the CC group. Let RRRR be the postulated hazard ratio, α\alpha be the significance level. Assume that the test is a two-sided test. If the ratio of participants in group E compared to group C =nE/nC=k= n_E/n_C=k, then the number of participants needed in each group to achieve a power of 1β1-\beta is

nE=mkkpE+pC,nC=mkpE+pCn_E=\frac{m k}{k p_E + p_C}, n_C=\frac{m}{k p_E + p_C}


m=1k(kRR+1RR1)2(z1α/2+z1β)2,m=\frac{1}{k}\left(\frac{k RR + 1}{RR - 1}\right)^2\left( z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta} \right)^2,

and z1α/2z_{1-\alpha/2} is the 100(1α/2)100 (1-\alpha/2)-th percentile of the standard normal distribution N(0,1)N(0, 1).

pCp_C and pEp_E can be calculated from the following formulaes:

pC=i=1tDi,pE=i=1tEi,p_C=\sum_{i=1}^{t}D_i, p_E=\sum_{i=1}^{t}E_i,

where Di=λiAiCiD_i=\lambda_i A_i C_i, Ei=RRλiBiCiE_i=RR\lambda_i B_i C_i, Ai=j=0i1(1λj)A_i=\prod_{j=0}^{i-1}(1-\lambda_j), Bi=j=0i1(1RRλj)B_i=\prod_{j=0}^{i-1}(1-RR\lambda_j), Ci=j=0i1(1δj)C_i=\prod_{j=0}^{i-1}(1-\delta_j). And λi\lambda_i is the probability of failure at time i among participants in the control group, given that a participant has survived to time i1i-1 and is not censored at time i1i-1, i.e., the approximate hazard time ii in the control group, i=1,...,ti=1,...,t; RRlambdaiRRlambda_i is the probability of failure at time i among participants in the experimental group, given that a participant has survived to time i1i-1 and is not censored at time i1i-1, i.e., the approximate hazard time ii in the experimental group, i=1,...,ti=1,...,t; deltadelta is the prbability that a participant is censored at time ii given that he was followed up to time ii and has not failed, i=0,1,...,ti=0, 1, ..., t, which is assumed the same in each group.



a matrix with 9 columns and nTimes+1 rows, where nTimes is the number of observed time points for the control group in the data set. The 9 columns are (1) time - observed time point for the control group; (2) lambda; (3) RRlambda; (4) delta; (5) A; (6) B; (7) C; (8) D; (9) E. Please refer to the Details section for the definitions of elements of these quantities. See also Table 14.24 on page 809 of Rosner (2006).


a matrix with 5 columns and nTimes+1 rows, where nTimes is the number of observed time points for control group in the data set. The 5 columns are (1) time - observed time point for the control group; (2) nEvent.C - number of events in the control group at each time point; (3) nCensored.C - number of censorings in the control group at each time point; (4) nSurvive.C - number of alived in the control group at each time point; (5) nRisk.C - number of participants at risk in the control group at each time point. Please refer to Table 14.12 on page 787 of Rosner (2006).


estimated probability of failure in group C (control group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years).


estimated probability of failure in group E (experimental group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years).


a two-element vector. The first element is nEn_E and the second element is nCn_C.


(1) The estimates of RRlambdai=RRλiRRlambda_i=RR*\lambda_i. That is, RRlambda is not directly estimated based on data from the experimental group; (2) The sample size formula assumes that the central-limit theorem is valid and hence is appropriate for large samples. (3) nEn_E and nCn_C will be rounded up to integers.


Freedman, L.S. (1982). Tables of the number of patients required in clinical trials using the log-rank test. Statistics in Medicine. 1: 121-129

Rosner B. (2006). Fundamentals of Biostatistics. (6-th edition). Thomson Brooks/Cole.

See Also



# Example 14.42 in Rosner B. Fundamentals of Biostatistics. 
  # (6-th edition). (2006) page 809


  res <- ssizeCT(formula = Surv(times, status) ~ group, 
		 dat = Oph, 
                 power = 0.8, 
		 k = 1, 
		 RR = 0.7, 
		 alpha = 0.05)

  # Table 14.24 on page 809 of Rosner (2006)
  print(round(res$mat.lambda, 4))

  # Table 14.12 on page 787 of Rosner (2006)
  print(round(res$mat.event, 4))

  # the sample size

Sample Size Calculation in the Analysis of Survival Data for Clinical Trials


Sample size calculation for the Comparison of Survival Curves Between Two Groups under the Cox Proportional-Hazards Model for clinical trials.


		alpha = 0.05)



numeric. power to detect the magnitude of the hazard ratio as small as that specified by RR.


numeric. ratio of participants in group E (experimental group) compared to group C (control group).


numeric. probability of failure in group E (experimental group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years).


numeric. probability of failure in group C (control group) over the maximum time period of the study (t years).


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the sample size calculation method described in Section 14.12 (page 807) of Rosner (2006). The method was proposed by Freedman (1982).

Suppose we want to compare the survival curves between an experimental group (EE) and a control group (CC) in a clinical trial with a maximum follow-up of tt years. The Cox proportional hazards regression model is assumed to have the form:

h(tX1)=h0(t)exp(β1X1).h(t|X_1)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 X_1).

Let nEn_E be the number of participants in the EE group and nCn_C be the number of participants in the CC group. We wish to test the hypothesis H0:RR=1H0: RR=1 versus H1:RRH1: RR not equal to 1, where RR=exp(β1)=RR=\exp(\beta_1)=underlying hazard ratio for the EE group versus the CC group. Let RRRR be the postulated hazard ratio, α\alpha be the significance level. Assume that the test is a two-sided test. If the ratio of participants in group E compared to group C =nE/nC=k= n_E/n_C=k, then the number of participants needed in each group to achieve a power of 1β1-\beta is

nE=mkkpE+pC,nC=mkpE+pCn_E=\frac{m k}{k p_E + p_C}, n_C=\frac{m}{k p_E + p_C}


m=1k(kRR+1RR1)2(z1α/2+z1β)2,m=\frac{1}{k}\left(\frac{k RR + 1}{RR - 1}\right)^2\left( z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta} \right)^2,

and z1α/2z_{1-\alpha/2} is the 100(1α/2)100 (1-\alpha/2)-th percentile of the standard normal distribution N(0,1)N(0, 1).


A two-element vector. The first element is nEn_E and the second element is nCn_C.


(1) The sample size formula assumes that the central-limit theorem is valid and hence is appropriate for large samples. (2) nEn_E and nCn_C will be rounded up to integers.


Freedman, L.S. (1982). Tables of the number of patients required in clinical trials using the log-rank test. Statistics in Medicine. 1: 121-129

Rosner B. (2006). Fundamentals of Biostatistics. (6-th edition). Thomson Brooks/Cole.

See Also



# Example 14.42 in Rosner B. Fundamentals of Biostatistics. 
  # (6-th edition). (2006) page 809
  ssizeCT.default(power = 0.8, 
		  k = 1, 
		  pE = 0.3707, 
		  pC = 0.4890, 
                  RR = 0.7, 
		  alpha = 0.05)

Sample Size Calculation for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression


Sample size calculation for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies. The covariate of interest should be a binary variable. The other covariate can be either binary or non-binary. The formula takes into account competing risks and the correlation between the two covariates.


	 alpha = 0.05)



numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot data set. This vector records the values of the covariate of interest for the nPilot subjects in the pilot study. X1 should be binary and take only two possible values: zero and one.


numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot study. This vector records the values of the second covariate for the nPilot subjects in the pilot study. X2 can be binary or non-binary.


numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector of indicators indicating if a subject is failure (failureFlag=1) or alive (failureFlag=0).


numeric. postulated power.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the sample size formula derived by Latouche et al. (2004) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2),

where the covariate X1X_1 is of our interest. The covariate X1X_1 has to be a binary variable taking two possible values: zero and one, while the covariate X2X_2 can be binary or continuous.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard of X1=1X_1=1 is equal to the hazard of X1=0X_1=0 or not. Equivalently, we want to check if the hazard ratio of X1=1X_1=1 to X1=0X_1=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the total number of subjects required to achieve a power of 1β1-\beta is

n=(z1α/2+z1β)2[log(θ)]2p(1p)ψ(1ρ2),n=\frac{\left(z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta}\right)^2}{ [\log(\theta)]^2 p (1-p) \psi (1-\rho^2)},

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times\sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1).

pp, ρ2\rho^2, and ψ\psi will be estimated from a pilot study.



the total number of subjects required.


the proportion that X1X_1 takes value one.


square of the correlation between X1X_1 and X2X_2.


proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


(1) The calculated sample size will be round up to an integer.

(2) The formula can be used to calculate sample size required for a randomized trial study by setting rho2=0.

(3) When rho2=0, the formula derived by Latouche et al. (2004) looks the same as that derived by Schoenfeld (1983). Latouche et al. (2004) pointed out that in this situation, the interpretations are different hence the two formulae are actually different. In Latouched et al. (2004), the hazard ratio exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta measures the difference of effect of a covariate at two different levels on the subdistribution hazard for a particular failure, while in Schoenfeld (1983), the hazard ratio θ\theta measures the difference of effect on the cause-specific hazard.


Schoenfeld DA. (1983). Sample-size formula for the proportional-hazards regression model. Biometrics. 39:499-503.

Latouche A., Porcher R. and Chevret S. (2004). Sample size formula for proportional hazards modelling of competing risks. Statistics in Medicine. 23:3263-3274.

See Also



# generate a toy pilot data set
  X1 <- c(rep(1, 39), rep(0, 61))
  X2 <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)
  failureFlag <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, prob = c(0.5, 0.5), replace = TRUE)

  ssizeEpi(X1 = X1, 
	   X2 = X2, 
	   failureFlag = failureFlag, 
           power = 0.80, 
	   theta = 2, 
	   alpha = 0.05)

Sample Size Calculation for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression


Sample size calculation for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies. The covariate of interest should be a binary variable. The other covariate can be either binary or non-binary. The formula takes into account competing risks and the correlation between the two covariates.


		 alpha = 0.05)



numeric. postulated power.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. proportion of subjects taking value one for the covariate of interest.


numeric. proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


numeric. square of the correlation between the covariate of interest and the other covariate.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the sample size formula derived by Latouche et al. (2004) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2),

where the covariate X1X_1 is of our interest. The covariate X1X_1 has to be a binary variable taking two possible values: zero and one, while the covariate X2X_2 can be binary or continuous.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard of X1=1X_1=1 is equal to the hazard of X1=0X_1=0 or not. Equivalently, we want to check if the hazard ratio of X1=1X_1=1 to X1=0X_1=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the total number of subjects required to achieve a power of 1β1-\beta is

n=(z1α/2+z1β)2[log(θ)]2p(1p)ψ(1ρ2),n=\frac{\left(z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta}\right)^2}{ [\log(\theta)]^2 p (1-p) \psi (1-\rho^2)},

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times\sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1).


The required sample size to achieve the specified power with the given type I error rate.


(1) The calculated sample size will be round up to an integer.

(2) The formula can be used to calculate sample size required for a randomized trial study by setting rho2=0.

(3) When rho2=0, the formula derived by Latouche et al. (2004) looks the same as that derived by Schoenfeld (1983). Latouche et al. (2004) pointed out that in this situation, the interpretations are different hence the two formulae are actually different. In Latouched et al. (2004), the hazard ratio exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta measures the difference of effect of a covariate at two different levels on the subdistribution hazard for a particular failure, while in Schoenfeld (1983), the hazard ratio θ\theta measures the difference of effect on the cause-specific hazard.


Schoenfeld DA. (1983). Sample-size formula for the proportional-hazards regression model. Biometrics. 39:499-503.

Latouche A., Porcher R. and Chevret S. (2004). Sample size formula for proportional hazards modelling of competing risks. Statistics in Medicine. 23:3263-3274.

See Also



# Examples at the end of Section 5.2 of Latouche et al. (2004)
  # for a cohort study.
  ssizeEpi.default(power = 0.80, 
		   theta = 2, 
		   p = 0.39, 
		   psi = 0.505,
                   rho2 = 0.132^2, 
		   alpha = 0.05)

Sample Size Calculation for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression with Nonbinary Covariates for Epidemiological Studies


Sample size calculation for Cox proportional hazards regression with nonbinary covariates for Epidemiological Studies.


	     alpha = 0.05)



a formula object relating the covariate of interest to other covariates to calculate the multiple correlation coefficient. The variables in formula must be in the data frame dat.


a nPilot by p data frame representing the pilot data set, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot study and the p (>1>1) columns contains the covariate of interest and other covariates.


character. name of the column in the data frame dat, indicating the covariate of interest.


character. name of the column in the data frame dat, indicating if a subject is failure (taking value 1) or alive (taking value 0).


numeric. postulated power.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the sample size calculation formula derived by Hsieh and Lavori (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2,h(t|x_1, \boldsymbol{x}_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\boldsymbol{\beta}_2 \boldsymbol{x}_2,

where the covariate X1X_1 is a nonbinary variable and X2\boldsymbol{X}_2 is a vector of other covariates.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the main effect X1=1X_1=1 to X1=0X_1=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the total number of subjects required to achieve a sample size of 1β1-\beta is

n=(z1α/2+z1β)2[log(θ)]2σ2ψ(1ρ2),n=\frac{\left(z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta}\right)^2}{ [\log(\theta)]^2 \sigma^2 \psi (1-\rho^2) },

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, σ2=Var(X1)\sigma^2=Var(X_1), ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and ρ\rho is the multiple correlation coefficient of the following linear regression:


That is, ρ2=R2\rho^2=R^2, where R2R^2 is the proportion of variance explained by the regression of X1X_1 on the vector of covriates X2\boldsymbol{X}_2.

rho2rho^2, σ2\sigma^2, and ψ\psi will be estimated from a pilot study.



the total number of subjects required.


square of the correlation between X1X_1 and X2X_2.


variance of the covariate of interest.


proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


(1) Hsieh and Lavori (2000) assumed one-sided test, while this implementation assumed two-sided test. (2) The formula can be used to calculate ssize for a randomized trial study by setting rho2=0.


Hsieh F.Y. and Lavori P.W. (2000). Sample-size calculation for the Cox proportional hazards regression model with nonbinary covariates. Controlled Clinical Trials. 21:552-560.

See Also



# generate a toy pilot data set
  X1 <- rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3126)
  X2 <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)
  failureFlag <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, prob = c(0.25, 0.75), replace = TRUE)
  dat <- data.frame(X1 = X1, X2 = X2, failureFlag = failureFlag)

  ssizeEpiCont(formula = X1 ~ X2, 
	       dat = dat, 
	       var.X1 = "X1", 
	       var.failureFlag = "failureFlag", 
               power = 0.806, 
	       theta = exp(1), 
	       alpha = 0.05)

Sample Size Calculation for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression with Nonbinary Covariates for Epidemiological Studies


Sample size calculation for Cox proportional hazards regression with nonbinary covariates for Epidemiological Studies.


		     alpha = 0.05)



numeric. postulated power.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. variance of the covariate of interest.


numeric. proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


numeric. square of the multiple correlation coefficient between the covariate of interest and other covariates.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the sample size calculation formula derived by Hsieh and Lavori (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2,h(t|x_1, \boldsymbol{x}_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\boldsymbol{\beta}_2 \boldsymbol{x}_2,

where the covariate X1X_1 is a nonbinary variable and X2\boldsymbol{X}_2 is a vector of other covariates.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the main effect X1=1X_1=1 to X1=0X_1=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(β1)=θ\exp(\beta_1)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the total number of subjects required to achieve a sample size of 1β1-\beta is

n=(z1α/2+z1β)2[log(θ)]2σ2ψ(1ρ2),n=\frac{\left(z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta}\right)^2}{ [\log(\theta)]^2 \sigma^2 \psi (1-\rho^2) },

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, σ2=Var(X1)\sigma^2=Var(X_1), ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and ρ\rho is the multiple correlation coefficient of the following linear regression:


That is, ρ2=R2\rho^2=R^2, where R2R^2 is the proportion of variance explained by the regression of X1X_1 on the vector of covriates X2\boldsymbol{X}_2.


The total number of subjects required.


(1) Hsieh and Lavori (2000) assumed one-sided test, while this implementation assumed two-sided test. (2) The formula can be used to calculate ssize for a randomized trial study by setting rho2=0.


Hsieh F.Y. and Lavori P.W. (2000). Sample-size calculation for the Cox proportional hazards regression model with nonbinary covariates. Controlled Clinical Trials. 21:552-560.

See Also



# example in the EXAMPLE section (page 557) of Hsieh and Lavori (2000).
  # Hsieh and Lavori (2000) assumed one-sided test, 
  # while this implementation assumed two-sided test. 
  # Hence alpha=0.1 here (two-sided test) will correspond
  # to alpha=0.05 of one-sided test in Hsieh and Lavori's (2000) example.
  ssizeEpiCont.default(power = 0.806, 
		       theta = exp(1), 
		       sigma2 = 0.3126^2, 
                       psi = 0.738, 
		       rho2 = 0.1837, 
		       alpha = 0.1)

Sample Size Calculation Testing Interaction Effect for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression


Sample size calculation testing interaction effect for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies. Both covariates should be binary variables. The formula takes into account the correlation between the two covariates.


	    alpha = 0.05)



numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot data set. This vector records the values of the covariate of interest for the nPilot subjects in the pilot study. X1 should be binary and take only two possible values: zero and one.


numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector, where nPilot is the number of subjects in the pilot study. This vector records the values of the second covariate for the nPilot subjects in the pilot study. X2 should be binary and take only two possible values: zero and one.


numeric. a nPilot by 1 vector of indicators indicating if a subject is failure (failureFlag=1) or alive (failureFlag=0).


numeric. postulated power.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the sample size calculation formula derived by Schmoor et al. (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemoilogical studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2+γ(x1x2)),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2 + \gamma (x_1 x_2)),

where both covariates X1X_1 and X2X_2 are binary variables.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the interaction effect X1X2=1X_1 X_2=1 to X1X2=0X_1 X_2=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the total number of subjects required to achieve the desired power 1β1-\beta is:

n=(z1α/2+z1β)2G[log(θ)]2ψ(1p)p(1ρ2),n=\frac{\left(z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta}\right)^2 G}{ [\log(\theta)]^2 \psi (1-p) p (1-\rho^2) },

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times\sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1), and

G=[(1q)(1p0)p0+q(1p1)p1]2(1q)q(1p0)p0(1p1)p1,G=\frac{[(1-q)(1-p_0)p_0+q(1-p_1)p_1]^2}{(1-q)q (1-p_0)p_0 (1-p_1) p_1},

and p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)=myc/(mya+myc)p0=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=0)=myc/(mya+myc), p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)=myd/(myb+myd)p1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1)=myd/(myb+myd), p=Pr(X1=1)=(myc+myd)/np=Pr(X_1=1)=(myc+myd)/n, q=Pr(X2=1)=(myb+myd)/nq=Pr(X_2=1)=(myb+myd)/n, n=mya+myb+myc+mydn=mya+myb+myc+myd.

p00=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=0)p_{00}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p01=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=1)p_{01}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=1), p10=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=0)p_{10}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p11=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=1)p_{11}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=1).

p00p_{00}, p01p_{01}, p10p_{10}, p11p_{11}, and ψ\psi will be estimated from the pilot data.



the total number of subjects required.


estimated Pr(X1=1)Pr(X_1=1)


estimated Pr(X2=1)Pr(X_2=1)


estimated Pr(X1=1X2=0)Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=0)


estimated Pr(X1=1X2=1)Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1)


square of the estimated corr(X1,X2)corr(X_1, X_2)


a factor adjusting the sample size. The sample size needed to detect an effect of a prognostic factor with given error probabilities has to be multiplied by the factor G when an interaction of the same magnitude is to be detected.


estimated number of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=0X_2=0.


estimated number of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=1X_2=1.


estimated number of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=0X_2=0.


estimated number of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=1X_2=1.


proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


Schmoor C., Sauerbrei W., and Schumacher M. (2000). Sample size considerations for the evaluation of prognostic factors in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 19:441-452.

See Also

ssizeEpiInt.default0, ssizeEpiInt2


# generate a toy pilot data set
  X1 <- c(rep(1, 39), rep(0, 61))
  X2 <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)
  failureFlag <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, prob = c(0.25, 0.75), replace = TRUE)

  ssizeEpiInt(X1 = X1, 
	      X2 = X2, 
	      failureFlag = failureFlag, 
	      power = 0.88, 
	      theta = 3, 
	      alpha = 0.05)

Sample Size Calculation Testing Interaction Effect for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression


Sample size calculation testing interaction effect for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies. Both covariates should be binary variables. The formula takes into account the correlation between the two covariates.


		     alpha = 0.05)



numeric. postulated power.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. proportion of subjects taking value one for the covariate of interest.


numeric. proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


numeric. a factor adjusting the sample size. The sample size needed to detect an effect of a prognostic factor with given error probabilities has to be multiplied by the factor G when an interaction of the same magnitude is to be detected.


numeric. square of the correlation between the covariate of interest and the other covariate.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the sample size calculation formula derived by Schmoor et al. (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2+γ(x1x2)),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2 + \gamma (x_1 x_2)),

where both covariates X1X_1 and X2X_2 are binary variables.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the interaction effect X1X2=1X_1 X_2=1 to X1X2=0X_1 X_2=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the total number of subjects required to achieve a power of 1β1-\beta is

n=(z1α/2+z1β)2G[log(θ)]2ψ(1p)p(1ρ2),n=\frac{\left(z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta}\right)^2 G}{ [\log(\theta)]^2 \psi (1-p) p (1-\rho^2) },

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times\sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1), and

G=[(1q)(1p0)p0+q(1p1)p1]2(1q)q(1p0)p0(1p1)p1G=\frac{[(1-q)(1-p_0)p_0+q(1-p_1)p_1]^2}{(1-q)q (1-p_0)p_0 (1-p_1) p_1}


If X1X_1 and X2X_2 are uncorrelated, we have p0=p1=pp_0=p_1=p leading to 1/[(1q)q]1/[(1-q)q]. For q=0.5q=0.5, we have G=4G=4.


The total number of subjects required.


Schmoor C., Sauerbrei W., and Schumacher M. (2000). Sample size considerations for the evaluation of prognostic factors in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 19:441-452.

See Also

ssizeEpiInt.default1, ssizeEpiInt2


# Example at the end of Section 4 of Schmoor et al. (2000).
  ssizeEpiInt.default0(power = 0.8227, 
		       theta = 3, 
		       p = 0.61, 
		       psi = 139 / 184, 
                       G = 4.79177, 
		       rho2 = 0.015^2, 
		       alpha = 0.05)

Sample Size Calculation Testing Interaction Effect for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression


Sample size calculation testing interaction effect for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies. Both covariates should be binary variables. The formula takes into account the correlation between the two covariates.


		     alpha = 0.05)



numeric. postulated power.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


numeric. proportion of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=0X_2=0, i.e., p00=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=0)p_{00}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=0).


numeric. proportion of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=1X_2=1, i.e., p01=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=1)p_{01}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=1).


numeric. proportion of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=0X_2=0, i.e., p10=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=0)p_{10}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=0).


numeric. proportion of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=1X_2=1, i.e., p11=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=1)p_{11}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=1).


type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the sample size calculation formula derived by Schmoor et al. (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemoilogical studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2+γ(x1x2)),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2 + \gamma (x_1 x_2)),

where both covariates X1X_1 and X2X_2 are binary variables.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the interaction effect X1X2=1X_1 X_2=1 to X1X2=0X_1 X_2=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the total number of subjects required to achieve a power of 1β1-\beta is

n=(z1α/2+z1β)2δ[log(θ)]2ψ,n=\frac{\left(z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta}\right)^2\delta}{[\log(\theta)]^2 \psi},

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest,

δ=1p00+1p01+1p10+1p11,\delta=\frac{1}{p_{00}}+\frac{1}{p_{01}}+\frac{1}{p_{10}} +\frac{1}{p_{11}},

and p00=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=0)p_{00}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p01=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=1)p_{01}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=1), p10=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=0)p_{10}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p11=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=1)p_{11}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=1).


The ssize of the test.


Schmoor C., Sauerbrei W., and Schumacher M. (2000). Sample size considerations for the evaluation of prognostic factors in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 19:441-452.

See Also

ssizeEpiInt.default0, ssizeEpiInt2


# Example at the end of Section 4 of Schmoor et al. (2000).
  # p00, p01, p10, and p11 are calculated based on Table III on page 448
  # of Schmoor et al. (2000).
  ssizeEpiInt.default1(power = 0.8227, 
		       theta = 3, 
		       psi = 139 / 184,
                       p00 = 50/184, 
		       p01 = 21 / 184, 
		       p10 = 78 / 184, 
		       p11 = 35 / 184,
                       alpha = 0.05)

Sample Size Calculation Testing Interaction Effect for Cox Proportional Hazards Regression


Sample size calculation testing interaction effect for Cox proportional hazards regression with two covariates for Epidemiological Studies. Both covariates should be binary variables. The formula takes into account the correlation between the two covariates.


	     alpha = 0.05)



numeric. postulated power.


numeric. postulated hazard ratio.


numeric. proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest.


integer. number of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=0X_2=0 from the pilot study.


integer. number of subjects taking values X1=0X_1=0 and X2=1X_2=1 from the pilot study.


integer. number of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=0X_2=0 from the pilot study.


integer. number of subjects taking values X1=1X_1=1 and X2=1X_2=1 from the pilot study.


numeric. type I error rate.


This is an implementation of the sample size calculation formula derived by Schmoor et al. (2000) for the following Cox proportional hazards regression in the epidemiological studies:

h(tx1,x2)=h0(t)exp(β1x1+β2x2+γ(x1x2)),h(t|x_1, x_2)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta_1 x_1+\beta_2 x_2 + \gamma (x_1 x_2)),

where both covariates X1X_1 and X2X_2 are binary variables.

Suppose we want to check if the hazard ratio of the interaction effect X1X2=1X_1 X_2=1 to X1X2=0X_1 X_2=0 is equal to 11 or is equal to exp(γ)=θ\exp(\gamma)=\theta. Given the type I error rate α\alpha for a two-sided test, the total number of subjects required to achieve a power of 1β1-\beta is

n=(z1α/2+z1β)2G[log(θ)]2ψ(1p)p(1ρ2),n=\frac{\left(z_{1-\alpha/2}+z_{1-\beta}\right)^2 G}{ [\log(\theta)]^2 \psi (1-p) p (1-\rho^2) },

where zaz_{a} is the 100a100 a-th percentile of the standard normal distribution, ψ\psi is the proportion of subjects died of the disease of interest, and

ρ=corr(X1,X2)=(p1p0)×q(1q)p(1p),\rho=corr(X_1, X_2)=(p_1-p_0)\times\sqrt{\frac{q(1-q)}{p(1-p)}},

and p=Pr(X1=1)p=Pr(X_1=1), q=Pr(X2=1)q=Pr(X_2=1), p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)p_0=Pr(X_1=1|X_2=0), and p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)p_1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1), and

G=[(1q)(1p0)p0+q(1p1)p1]2(1q)q(1p0)p0(1p1)p1,G=\frac{[(1-q)(1-p_0)p_0+q(1-p_1)p_1]^2}{(1-q)q (1-p_0)p_0 (1-p_1) p_1},

and p0=Pr(X1=1X2=0)=myc/(mya+myc)p0=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=0)=myc/(mya+myc), p1=Pr(X1=1X2=1)=myd/(myb+myd)p1=Pr(X_1=1 | X_2=1)=myd/(myb+myd), p=Pr(X1=1)=(myc+myd)/np=Pr(X_1=1)=(myc+myd)/n, q=Pr(X2=1)=(myb+myd)/nq=Pr(X_2=1)=(myb+myd)/n, n=mya+myb+myc+mydn=mya+myb+myc+myd.

p00=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=0)p_{00}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p01=Pr(X1=0,and,X2=1)p_{01}=Pr(X_1=0,\mbox{and}, X_2=1), p10=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=0)p_{10}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=0), p11=Pr(X1=1,and,X2=1)p_{11}=Pr(X_1=1,\mbox{and}, X_2=1).


The total number of subjects required.


Schmoor C., Sauerbrei W., and Schumacher M. (2000). Sample size considerations for the evaluation of prognostic factors in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 19:441-452.

See Also

ssizeEpiInt.default0, ssizeEpiInt.default1


# Example at the end of Section 4 of Schmoor et al. (2000).
  # mya, myb, myc, and myd are obtained from Table III on page 448
  # of Schmoor et al. (2000).
  ssizeEpiInt2(power = 0.8227, 
	       theta = 3, 
	       psi = 139 / 184,
               mya = 50, 
	       myb = 21, 
	       myc = 78, 
	       myd = 35, 
	       alpha = 0.05)