Package Design vignette for {cleanepi}Updated 14 hours ago

Karim Mané

Rendered from design_principle.Rmd in cleanepi
Introduction to cleanepiUpdated 2 days ago

Karim Mané

Rendered from cleanepi.Rmd in cleanepi
Introduction to socialmixrUpdated 5 days ago

Sebastian Funk

Rendered from socialmixr.Rmd in socialmixr
AMR for PythonUpdated 6 days ago

Matthijs S. Berends

Rendered from AMR_for_Python.Rmd in AMR
Getting started with EpiNow2Updated 7 days ago

Sebastian Funk

Rendered from EpiNow2.Rmd in EpiNow2
EpiModel: Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease DynamicsUpdated 13 days ago

Samuel M. Jenness, Steven M. Goodreau, Martina Morris, and Adrien Le Guillou

Rendered from Intro.Rmd in EpiModel 2.5.0.
Working with Custom Attributes and Summary Statistics in EpiModelUpdated 13 days ago

EpiModel vr packageVersion('EpiModel')

Rendered from attributes-and-summary-statistics.Rmd in EpiModel 2.5.0.
Working with Network Objects in EpiModelUpdated 13 days ago

EpiModel vr packageVersion('EpiModel')

Rendered from network-objects.Rmd in EpiModel 2.5.0.
An introduction to incidence2Updated 17 days ago

Tim Taylor

Rendered from incidence2.Rmd in incidence2
Workflow for Rt estimation and forecastingUpdated 21 days ago

Sebastian Funk

Rendered from estimate_infections_workflow.Rmd in EpiNow2
Using epinow() for running in production modeUpdated 21 days ago

Sebastian Funk

Rendered from epinow.Rmd in EpiNow2
Examples: estimate_infections()Updated 21 days ago

Sebastian Funk

Rendered from estimate_infections_options.Rmd in EpiNow2
hhh4 (spatio-temporal): Endemic-epidemic modeling of areal count time seriesUpdated 21 days ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from hhh4_spacetime.Rnw in surveillance 1.24.0.
hhh4: An endemic-epidemic modelling framework for infectious disease countsUpdated 21 days ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from hhh4.Rnw in surveillance 1.24.0.
Monitoring count time series in R: Aberration detection in public health surveillanceUpdated 21 days ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from monitoringCounts.Rnw in surveillance 1.24.0.
twinstim: An endemic-epidemic modeling framework for spatio-temporal point patternsUpdated 21 days ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from twinstim.Rnw in surveillance 1.24.0.
03: Competing risks with Lexis, parametric rates and simulation based confidence intervalsUpdated 21 days ago

Bendix Carstensen

Rendered from crisk.rnw in Epi 2.56.
Welcome to the AMR packageUpdated 23 days ago

Matthijs S. Berends

Rendered from welcome_to_AMR.Rmd in AMR
Kernel Density PlotUpdated 25 days ago


Rendered from kernel.density.Rmd in cholera
Descriptive epidemiology using Updated 26 days ago

Mark Stevenson

Rendered from epiR_descriptive.Rmd in epiR 2.0.76.
Surveillance system assessment using Updated 26 days ago

Mark Stevenson and Evan Sergeant

Rendered from epiR_surveillance.Rmd in epiR 2.0.76.
Measures of association using Updated 26 days ago

Mark Stevenson

Rendered from epiR_measures_of_association.Rmd in epiR 2.0.76.
Sample size calculations using Updated 26 days ago

Mark Stevenson

Rendered from epiR_sample_size.Rmd in epiR 2.0.76.
Dealing with missed generations of infections with EpiEstimUpdated 2 months ago

Andrea Brizzi

Rendered from EpiEstim_backimputation.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
EpiEstim: a demonstrationUpdated 2 months ago

Anne Cori

Rendered from short_demo.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
EpiEstim VignetteUpdated 2 months ago

Rebecca Nash

Rendered from full_EpiEstim_vignette.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
MV-EpiEstimUpdated 2 months ago

Anne Cori

Rendered from MV_EpiEstim_vignette.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
Gaussian Process implementation detailsUpdated 3 months ago

Sebastian Funk

Rendered from gaussian_process_implementation_details.Rmd in EpiNow2
A primer on working with delay distributionsUpdated 3 months ago

Adam Kucharski

Rendered from delay_distributions.Rmd in cfr 0.1.2.
Calculating a static, delay-adjusted estimate of disease severityUpdated 3 months ago

Adam Kucharski

Rendered from estimate_static_severity.Rmd in cfr 0.1.2.
Estimating disease severity while correcting for reporting delaysUpdated 3 months ago

Adam Kucharski

Rendered from cfr.Rmd in cfr 0.1.2.
Estimating how disease severity varies over the course of an outbreakUpdated 3 months ago

Adam Kucharski

Rendered from estimate_time_varying_severity.Rmd in cfr 0.1.2.
Estimating the proportion of cases that are ascertained during an outbreakUpdated 3 months ago

Adam Kucharski

Rendered from estimate_ascertainment.Rmd in cfr 0.1.2.
Handling data from {incidence2}Updated 3 months ago

Adam Kucharski

Rendered from data_from_incidence2.Rmd in cfr 0.1.2.
01: Analysis of follow-up data using the Lexis functions in EpiUpdated 3 months ago

Bendix Carstensen

Rendered from flup.rnw in Epi 2.56.
02: Years of life lost (YLL)Updated 3 months ago

Bendix Carstensen

Rendered from yll.rnw in Epi 2.56.
04: Time dependent covariates in Lexis objects: addCov & addDrugUpdated 3 months ago

Bendix Carstensen

Rendered from addLexis.rnw in Epi 2.56.
05: Simulation of multistate models with multiple timescales: simLexisUpdated 3 months ago

Bendix Carstensen

Rendered from simLexis.rnw in Epi 2.56.
Compatibility with dplyrUpdated 4 months ago

Hugo Gruson

Rendered from compat-dplyr.Rmd in linelist
Using mstate for the analyses of Putter et al. (Stat Med 2007)Updated 4 months ago

Hein Putter

Rendered from Tutorial.Rnw in mstate 0.3.3.
An introduction to linelistUpdated 4 months ago

Hugo Gruson

Rendered from linelist.Rmd in linelist
Design Principles for linelistUpdated 4 months ago

Hugo Gruson

Rendered from design-principles.Rmd in linelist
Calculating the final size of an epidemicUpdated 4 months ago

Rosalind Eggo

Rendered from finalsize.Rmd in finalsize
Modelling uncertainty in R₀Updated 4 months ago

Rosalind Eggo

Rendered from uncertainty_params.Rmd in finalsize
Projecting re-emergence risk after waning or new birthsUpdated 4 months ago

Rosalind Eggo

Rendered from demographic_turnover.Rmd in finalsize
Customize plots of incidenceUpdated 5 months ago

Thibaut Jombart, Zhian N. Kamvar

Rendered from customize_plot.Rmd in incidence 1.7.5.
Overview of the incidence packageUpdated 5 months ago

Thibaut Jombart, Zhian N. Kamvar

Rendered from overview.Rmd in incidence 1.7.5.
Getting started with outbreak detectionUpdated 6 months ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from surveillance.Rnw in surveillance 1.24.0.
Scheduled eventsUpdated 6 months ago

Stefan Widgren

Rendered from scheduled-events.Rmd in SimInf
Modelling heterogeneous susceptibilityUpdated 7 months ago

Rosalind Eggo

Rendered from varying_susceptibility.Rmd in finalsize
Theoretical backgroundUpdated 7 months ago

Adam Kucharski

Rendered from theoretical_background.Rmd in finalsize
"Unstacking" BarsUpdated 7 months ago


Rendered from unstacking.bars.Rmd in cholera
Duplicate and Missing CasesUpdated 7 months ago


Rendered from duplicate.missing.cases.Rmd in cholera
RoadsUpdated 7 months ago


Rendered from roads.Rmd in cholera
Software permissions and regulationsUpdated 7 months ago

Hugo Gruson

Rendered from software-permissions.Rmd in linelist
Software permissions and regulationsUpdated 8 months ago

Adam Kucharski

Rendered from software-permissions.Rmd in cfr 0.1.2.
DrugBank Database XML ParserUpdated 8 months ago

Mohammed Ali

Rendered from dbparser.Rmd in dbparser 2.0.3.
Getting startedUpdated 9 months ago

Sebastian Lequime

Rendered from nosoi.Rmd in nosoi 1.1.2.
Output and summarizationUpdated 9 months ago

Sebastian Lequime

Rendered from output.Rmd in nosoi 1.1.2.
Spread of a pathogen in a continuous spaceUpdated 9 months ago

Sebastian Lequime

Rendered from continuous.Rmd in nosoi 1.1.2.
Spread of a pathogen in a discrete structured populationUpdated 9 months ago

Sebastian Lequime

Rendered from discrete.Rmd in nosoi 1.1.2.
Post-process data in a trajectoryUpdated 9 months ago

Stefan Widgren

Rendered from post-process-data.Rmd in SimInf
Introducing nhanesAUpdated 10 months ago

Christopher J. Endres

Rendered from Introducing_nhanesA.Rmd in nhanesA 1.1.1.
Guide to constructing susceptibility matricesUpdated 11 months ago

Rosalind Eggo

Rendered from susceptibility_matrices.Rmd in finalsize
Modelling heterogeneous social contactsUpdated 11 months ago

Rosalind Eggo

Rendered from varying_contacts.Rmd in finalsize
Introduction to record linkage with diyarUpdated 12 months ago

Olisaeloka Nsonwu

Rendered from links.Rmd in diyar
Divvy up events with partitionsUpdated 12 months ago

Olisaeloka Nsonwu

Rendered from panes.Rmd in diyar
Introduction to epidemiological case definitions with diyarUpdated 12 months ago

Olisaeloka Nsonwu

Rendered from episodes.Rmd in diyar
Using Survey Weights with nhanesAUpdated 1 years ago

Robert Gentleman and Teresa Filshtein Sonmez

Rendered from UsingSurveyWeights.rmd in nhanesA 1.1.1.
Model definition: estimate_infections()Updated 1 years ago

Sebastian Funk

Rendered from estimate_infections.Rmd in EpiNow2
Model definition: estimate_truncation()Updated 1 years ago

Sebastian Funk

Rendered from estimate_truncation.Rmd in EpiNow2
Basic malariaAtlas usage.Updated 1 years ago

Dan Pfeffer, Tim Lucas

Rendered from overview.Rmd in malariaAtlas
Case studies and use in the literatureUpdated 1 years ago

Sebastian Funk

Rendered from case-studies.Rmd in EpiNow2
apisensrUpdated 1 years ago

Denis Haine

Rendered from apisensr.Rmd in apisensr 1.0.0.
Quantitative Bias Analysis for Epidemiologic DataUpdated 1 years ago

Denis Haine

Rendered from episensr.Rmd in episensr 1.3.0.
DSAIDE Package TutorialUpdated 1 years ago

Andreas Handel

Rendered from DSAIDE.Rmd in DSAIDE 0.9.6.
Guide to odin docsUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from guide.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
EpiEstim for aggregated incidence dataUpdated 1 years ago

Rebecca Nash

Rendered from EpiEstim_aggregated_data.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
algo.glrnb: Count data regression charts using the generalized likelihood ratio statisticUpdated 1 years ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from glrnb.Rnw in surveillance 1.24.0.
twinSIR: Individual-level epidemic modeling for a fixed population with known distancesUpdated 1 years ago

Sebastian Meyer

Rendered from twinSIR.Rnw in surveillance 1.24.0.
Multiple Bias ModelingUpdated 1 years ago

Denis Haine

Rendered from c_multiple_bias.Rmd in episensr 1.3.0.
Additional Sensitivity AnalysesUpdated 1 years ago

Denis Haine

Rendered from d_other_sens.Rmd in episensr 1.3.0.
odinUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from odin.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
Using outbreak data to estimate the relative case fatality ratioUpdated 1 years ago

Nicholas G Reich

Rendered from CFR_vignette.Rmd in coarseDataTools 0.7.1.
ddeUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from dde.Rmd in dde 1.0.7.
Alternative software for estimating the reproduction numberUpdated 2 years ago

Anne Cori

Rendered from alternative_software.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
Comparison with a compartmental modelUpdated 2 years ago

Rosalind Eggo

Rendered from compare_sir_model.Rmd in finalsize
List of included regionsUpdated 2 years ago

Hugo Gruson

Rendered from countries.Rmd in contactdata
Visualise age pyramidsUpdated 2 years ago

Hugo Gruson

Rendered from visualise_age.Rmd in contactdata
Visualise contact matricesUpdated 2 years ago

Hugo Gruson

Rendered from visualise_contact.Rmd in contactdata
debuggingUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from debugging.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
Download CentreUpdated 2 years ago

Emanuele Guidotti

Rendered from data.Rmd in COVID19 3.0.0.
PythonUpdated 2 years ago

Emanuele Guidotti

Rendered from python.Rmd in COVID19 3.0.0.
RUpdated 2 years ago

Emanuele Guidotti

Rendered from r.Rmd in COVID19 3.0.0.
Model definition: estimate_secondary()Updated 2 years ago

Sebastian Funk

Rendered from estimate_secondary.Rmd in EpiNow2
Overview of the epitrix packageUpdated 2 years ago

Thibaut Jombart

Rendered from epitrix.Rmd in epitrix 0.4.0.
Covid19R Project Data FormatUpdated 2 years ago

Rami Krispin

Rendered from covid19R.Rmd in coronavirus 0.4.1.
number_line and overlapsUpdated 2 years ago

Olisaeloka Nsonwu

Rendered from number_line.Rmd in diyar
Example to estimate incubation periodUpdated 2 years ago

Flavio Finger

Rendered from estimate_incubation.Rmd in epitrix 0.4.0.
odin discrete modelsUpdated 2 years ago

Thibaut Jombart, Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from discrete.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
odin functionsUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from functions.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
SMR VignetteUpdated 2 years ago

Matti Rantanen

Rendered from sir.Rmd in popEpi 0.4.12.
Working with Model Parameters in EpiModelUpdated 2 years ago

EpiModel vr packageVersion('EpiModel')

Rendered from model-parameters.Rmd in EpiModel 2.5.0.
Using custom priors, likelihood, or movements in outbreaker2Updated 2 years ago

Thibaut Jombart

Rendered from customisation.Rmd in outbreaker2 1.1.3.
SimInf: An R Package for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease Spread SimulationsUpdated 2 years ago

Stefan Widgren

Rendered from SimInf.Rnw in SimInf
riskCommunicator Manuscript VignetteUpdated 2 years ago

Jessica Grembi, Elizabeth Rogawski McQuade

Rendered from Vignette_manuscript.Rmd in riskCommunicator 1.0.1.
riskCommunicator package extended vignetteUpdated 2 years ago

Jessica Grembi, Elizabeth Rogawski McQuade

Rendered from Vignette_newbieRusers.Rmd in riskCommunicator 1.0.1.
Examples for Third-Variable Effect AnalysisUpdated 2 years ago

Qingzhao Yu & Lin Zhu

Rendered from MMAvignette.Rmd in mma 10.7-1.
Inference of transmission tree from a dated phylogenyUpdated 3 years ago

Xavier Didelot

Rendered from infer.Rmd in TransPhylo 1.4.10.
Introduction to the covid19sf DatasetsUpdated 3 years ago

Rami Krispin

Rendered from intro.Rmd in covid19sf 0.1.2.
ContributorsUpdated 3 years ago

Emanuele Guidotti

Rendered from contributors.Rmd in COVID19 3.0.0.
DocumentationUpdated 3 years ago

Emanuele Guidotti

Rendered from docs.Rmd in COVID19 3.0.0.
IntroductionUpdated 3 years ago

Thibaut Jombart

Rendered from Introduction.Rmd in trending 0.1.0.
Prediction intervals for GLMsUpdated 3 years ago

Thibaut Jombart

Rendered from prediction_intervals.Rmd in trending 0.1.0.
voronoiPolygons(): Tiles, Triangles and PolygonsUpdated 3 years ago


Rendered from tiles.polygons.Rmd in cholera
R Package deSolve: Solving Initial Value Differential Equations in RUpdated 3 years ago

Thomas Petzoldt

Rendered from deSolve.Rnw in deSolve 1.40.
R Package deSolve: Writing Code in Compiled LanguagesUpdated 3 years ago

Thomas Petzoldt

Rendered from compiledCode.Rnw in deSolve 1.40.
Using EpiCurveUpdated 3 years ago

[email protected]

Rendered from EpiCurve.Rmd in EpiCurve 2.4-2.
Introduction to the covid19italy DatasetsUpdated 3 years ago

Rami Krispin

Rendered from intro.Rmd in covid19italy 0.3.1.
Visualising multi-state models using mstateUpdated 3 years ago

Edouard F. Bonneville

Rendered from visuals_demo.Rmd in mstate 0.3.3.
Probabilistic Sensitivity AnalysisUpdated 3 years ago

Denis Haine

Rendered from b_probabilistic.Rmd in episensr 1.3.0.
ParallelizationUpdated 4 years ago


Rendered from parallelization.Rmd in cholera
Estimating incidence from cross-sectional dataUpdated 4 years ago

Eduard Grebe

Rendered from EstimatingIncidence.Rmd in inctools 1.0.9006.
Overview of Incidence Estimation Package inctoolsUpdated 4 years ago

Eduard Grebe

Rendered from Introduction.Rmd in inctools 1.0.9006.
Survey design: power, precision and sample sizeUpdated 4 years ago

Eduard Grebe

Rendered from SurveyDesign.Rmd in inctools 1.0.9006.
Recent infection test calibrationUpdated 4 years ago

Eduard Grebe

Rendered from TestCalibration.Rmd in inctools 1.0.9006.
Covid19 Italy DashboardUpdated 4 years ago

Rami Krispin

Rendered from dashboard.Rmd in covid19italy 0.3.1.
The 'Epidemiological Report' PackageUpdated 4 years ago

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

Rendered from EpiReport_Vignette.Rmd in EpiReport 1.0.1.
Introduction to outbreaker2Updated 4 years ago

Thibaut Jombart

Rendered from introduction.Rmd in outbreaker2 1.1.3.
outbreaker2: package overviewUpdated 4 years ago

Thibaut Jombart

Rendered from overview.Rmd in outbreaker2 1.1.3.
outbreaker2: Rcpp APIUpdated 4 years ago

Thibaut Jombart

Rendered from Rcpp_API.Rmd in outbreaker2 1.1.3.
Conversions to and from the incidence classUpdated 4 years ago

Thibaut Jombart, Zhian N. Kamvar

Rendered from conversions.Rmd in incidence 1.7.5.
Details of the incidence classUpdated 4 years ago

Thibaut Jombart, Zhian N. Kamvar

Rendered from incidence_class.Rmd in incidence 1.7.5.
Early investigation of infectiousness using earlyRUpdated 4 years ago

Thibaut Jombart

Rendered from earlyR.Rmd in earlyR 0.0.5.
Posterior Predictive Forecasting and Model AssessmentUpdated 4 years ago

Waleed Almutiry

Rendered from Predict.Rnw in EpiILM 1.5.2.
Covid19 SF Data RefreshUpdated 4 years ago

Rami Krispin

Rendered from data_refresh.Rmd in covid19sf 0.1.2.
Introduction to the covid19swiss DatasetUpdated 4 years ago

Rami Krispin

Rendered from intro_covid19swiss.Rmd in covid19swiss 0.1.0.
Computing Cumulative Incidence Functions with the etmCIF FunctionUpdated 4 years ago

Arthur Allignol

Rendered from etmCIF_tutorial.Rnw in etm 1.1.2.
CovidMutations: a feasible framework for mutation analysis and assays validation of COVID-19Updated 4 years ago

Shaoqian Ma, Yongyou Zhang

Rendered from vignette.Rmd in CovidMutations 0.1.3.
o2geosocialUpdated 4 years ago

Alexis Robert, Adam Kucharski, Sebastian Funk

Rendered from o2geosocial.Rmd in o2geosocial 1.1.3.
Updating the covid19swiss DatasetUpdated 4 years ago

Rami Krispin

Rendered from update_the_data.Rmd in covid19swiss 0.1.0.
covid19dbcandUpdated 4 years ago

Mohammed Ali

Rendered from covid19dbcand.Rmd in covid19dbcand 0.1.1.
Introductory tutorial for R Package nbTransmissionUpdated 4 years ago

Sarah V. Leavitt

Rendered from nbTransmission-vignette.Rmd in nbTransmission 1.1.4.
Simulation of outbreak dataUpdated 4 years ago

Xavier Didelot

Rendered from simulate.rmd in TransPhylo 1.4.10.
Introducing the R package TransPhyloUpdated 4 years ago

Xavier Didelot

Rendered from TransPhylo.Rmd in TransPhylo 1.4.10.
Simultaneous Inference of Multiple Transmission TreesUpdated 4 years ago

Yuanwei Xu

Rendered from multitree.Rmd in TransPhylo 1.4.10.
Spread of a pathogen in a homogeneous populationUpdated 4 years ago

Sebastian Lequime

Rendered from none.Rmd in nosoi 1.1.2. Package: get access to and analyze the live worldwide data from the novel CoViD19 from JHU repositoryUpdated 5 years ago

Marcelo Ponce

Rendered from in 2.1.3.
shinySIR: Interactive plotting for infectious disease modelsUpdated 5 years ago

Sinead E. Morris

Rendered from Vignette.Rmd in shinySIR 0.1.3.
Examples of using survtabUpdated 5 years ago

Joonas Miettinen

Rendered from survtab_examples.Rmd in popEpi 0.4.12.
Time SeriesUpdated 6 years ago


Rendered from time.series.Rmd in cholera
Details of the incidence_fit classUpdated 6 years ago

Zhian N. Kamvar

Rendered from incidence_fit_class.Rmd in incidence 1.7.5.
The 'Epidemiological Signal Detection' PackageUpdated 6 years ago

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

Rendered from EpiSignalDetection_Vignette.Rmd in EpiSignalDetection 0.1.1.
00 epiflows: package overviewUpdated 6 years ago

Pawel Piatkowski

Rendered from introduction.Rmd in epiflows 0.2.1.
01 Data PreparationUpdated 6 years ago

Pawel Piatkowski

Rendered from epiflows-class.Rmd in epiflows 0.2.1.
epicontacts Class: Details Regarding the Data Structure for epicontacts ObjectsUpdated 7 years ago

VP Nagraj

Rendered from epicontacts_class.Rmd in epicontacts 1.1.4.
epicontacts: Manipulation, Visualisation and Analysis of Epidemiological Contact DataUpdated 7 years ago

Finlay Campbell

Rendered from epicontacts.Rmd in epicontacts 1.1.4.
mediation-oldUpdated 8 years ago

Teppei Yamamoto

Rendered from mediation-old.Rnw in mediation 4.5.0.
mediationUpdated 10 years ago

Teppei Yamamoto

Rendered from mediation.Rnw in mediation 4.5.0.